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Write in Hebrew with

The Witness of the Heavens



 And Yahweh said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and to mark the Feasts, and for days, and years:

Psalm 19:1,2

The heavens declare the glory of Yahweh; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. Day

unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

For generations, our forefathers sat at the door of their tents on the fertile plains of the Mideast.

Under starlit skies they retold the story of Adam’s fall and the redeemer to come, the story passed

down to them from the lips of the ancient prophets and patriarchs. The story was recorded in the

ancient names and in pictures painted by the constellations that witnessed to them night after

night, the story of the redemption of mankind. The greatest handiwork of Yahweh is his plan and

execution of man’s redemption from the dominion of Satan. From the beginning, Yahweh’s

prophetic timepiece of the stars in their courses, have told the story of the coming redeemer.

Modern man has all but lost their true significance, as the original names have been replaced by

astrological signs that bear little resemblance to what Yahweh originally revealed in the heavens.

Modern astrological interpretation of those signs have no correlation to their original declaration.

The redeemer of mankind is pictured in the constellation of Orion “The Heroic One.” Orion’s

heel is bruised by the serpent at his feet, but the serpent’s head is finally crushed in destruction as

the redeemer conquers and reigns. What was told from the pages of the heavens, is recorded in

the pages of Genesis:

Genesis 3:15

And I will put enmity between thee (the serpent) and the woman (Eve), and between thy

seed and her seed (the Messiah); it (He) shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his


E.W. Bullinger detailed the ancient Hebrew names and meanings of the stars in their courses in

his book, “The Witness of the Stars.” In the book, “Voice Crying in the Heavens,” Bob

Wadsworth (who I respectfully refer to as “The Star Man”) detailed the incredible astronomical

display that signals the impending war in heaven when Satan is cast down to the earth, and the

return of the Messiah to establish his throne on earth. The “Voice Crying in the Heavens” is

louder during the last half of the 1990’s than it has ever been, or will ever be in the

astronomically predicted future. These are indeed the last days.

During a recent lecture, Bob projected several constellations on the viewing screen. I nearly

leaped from my chair when he projected the constellations of Perseus and Andromeda. There, in


the heavens, I saw the exact picture that Paul had painted of the day of Yahweh as he revealed it

to the Thessalonian church:

I Thessalonians 1:6-10

...It is a righteous act for Yahweh to recompense tribulation to those that tribulate you; And

you who are now tribulated with us, rest when the Master Yahshua shall be revealed from

heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that do not

know Yahweh, and on those that do not obey the gospel of our Master Yahshua the Messiah…IN THAT DAY

As we saw in Chapter Two, the word rest is in the Greek ανεσιν (anacin), from whence is

derived the brand name of a famous pain reliever. Ανεσιν is to be suddenly loosed of the tightly

stretched cords, suddenly relieved of the strain and pain. The picture the word anacin paints in

this context is a person bound and being afflicted by the enemy. The chains holding the body in

tension are as tight as a violin string. At the point of loosing consciousness, when there seems to

be no hope, the avenger breaks through the door, slashes the chains that bind, and destroys those

who have been torturing his beloved. This is the Day of Yahweh. (See Plate 2, Perseus and


For thousands of years the voice of the stars have cried out from the heavens declaring the

redemption of mankind. The ancient names and pictures of the constellations of Perseus, which

is in the Hebrew language, “The Breaker,” and Andromeda, “The Bound and Chained,” have

been speaking from the portals of heaven. They speak of the time that the bridegroom will

deliver his bride from the chains and strains of a world in rebellion against him. “The Breaker”

of our bondage, our deliverer, Yahshua the Messiah, will sever the painful straining bonds of this

earth and take his bride to the marriage supper that he has been preparing. At that feast, Yahshua

will taste the fruit of the vine for the first time since he told his beloved that he would not touch a

drop again until he drank it with us in his Father’s kingdom. “The Bound and Chained” bride

will be released when the Captain of our salvation breaks through in all of his glory and takes

vengeance on those who have caused his bride pain. While all the world denies his existence and

rejects his authority, she has not. In the darkest hour when there seems to be no hope, the

deliverer will bust through the heavens chop off the head of satan and rescue his bride, who has dressed herself in white and

waits expectantly for his return…




In this part I am using King James terms. But never the less I uphold the Name of Yahshua over the Name Jesus. Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. And that Name is Yahshua not Jesus. So now lets continue with The Mystery Of Iniquity.


Among the many mysteries of life, the most challenging and exciting mysteries are found in the

pages of the Bible. It is there that we ponder the meaning of life, the nature of God, the nature of

evil, and the realities of our existence. But few mysteries have furrowed the questioning brow of

the Christian church as deeply as the mystery of iniquity. Mysteries of God are buried under

many layers of truth. To dig down to the bedrock, many layers of preconceptions need to be

challenged and exposed. Inaccurate presuppositions must be peeled away, in search of the

deeper mysteries of God buried within his Word.

It is not comfortable to consider that the pictures held in one’s mind; the pictures on which one

bases their concepts of truth or theology, may be in error. I was an adult before I questioned the

“flannel graph” Sunday school pictures in my mind of a young boy Daniel standing safely in the

lion’s den. Once that picture was embedded I had no reason to question its validity, not until I

saw a new picture developing from the biblical record. A picture of an older Daniel, 80ish, who

had been a ruler of Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, and now Darius. Deeper levels

of understanding opened to me and the book of Daniel took on a texture to which I could not

have previously related.

The mystery of iniquity is even more shrouded in the veils of flawed bias. We carry in our

mind inaccurate pictures of what it is like in heaven at this hour, and the way it will be in the

future. We have accepted pictures concerning the nature and timing of the return of Jesus Christ

to gather the church, as they were spoken from the pulpit; not based on scripture, but upon

traditions passed down in like manner from the previous generation. The phrase “mystery of

iniquity” is used only once in the Bible, in II Thessalonians 2:7, yet the context of this phrase is

extremely important to the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many Christians have read those

words dozens of times without ever considering their significance.

Since mysteries are not readily understood by the uninquisitive perusal of a novice, these words

have been treated as insignificant and inconsequential to the Christian church for hundreds of

years. The manifestation of this mystery of iniquity, however, is soon to bring about one of the

earth’s most spiritually and physically significant events. These incidents concern the last days

preceding Christ’s return for his saints and his subsequent return to live and reign on earth for a

thousand years. The events that will transpire in the near future will result in a profound

disruption of life on the planet, the details of which Jesus himself wants his servants to read and

accurately understand. Your life and mine are about to change dramatically because of the events

that are about to take place in heaven and on the earth. At the time of Noah, God shook the earth

in judgment. At the time of the end, he has declared that he will not only shake the earth, but he

will shake the heavens as well. Jesus, and the angels under his command, will subdue all


authority in the heavens and on earth in preparation for the binding and ultimate destruction of

Satan. Powers in the spirit realm must be broken and bound in preparation for the reign of Christ

on earth.

To understand the mystery of iniquity, or any other biblical mystery, we personally are

responsible to challenge our own preconceptions and thought patterns in search of the truth.

Through this investigation you will see the prophetic future of this world, from here to eternity,

through new eyes. Your vision will be clearer than you have ever thought possible as we dig

through the layers of tradition to expose the mystery of iniquity.

II Thessalonians 2:7, For the mystery of iniquity doth already work...

The word mystery in Greek is μυστεριον (musterion). Websters 1925 Unabridged International

Dictionary defines mystery, derived from μυστεριον, as:

A substantive secret, that which has been kept cautiously concealed. Something that has

not been revealed, or cannot be explained to novices or the uninitiated; Hence, a

spiritual truth that is beyond natural understanding.

The substantive secrets, or mysteries of God, can be described by two categories: (a) That which

has not been revealed, and therefore cannot be known until it is explained, and (b) that which

cannot be explained to novices. The second category is much more common, as we are all, in

one field or another, inexperienced. In either case, a mystery is something that cannot be

understood without spiritual understanding.

Spiritual understanding can come via direct revelation from God to the individual or by the

revelation contained in his written Word, which originated via direct revelation from God to his

prophets. But even the understanding of the revelation in his written word does not open in full

bloom to a novice upon first perusal of the scriptures. The scriptures display the heart and

understanding of God. He will not open these treasures to those who zealously guard inaccurate

preconceptions or to those who live in disobedience to him, regardless of academic degrees or

social standing. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, without which there are

some things that cannot, and will never be understood. A case in point concerns the book of


Revelation 1:1, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew

unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by

his angel unto his servant <δουλοσ> (doulos, bond slave by choice), John.

According to John, this book could be more accurately titled, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ,”

rather than “The Revelation of Saint John the Divine,” as it is titled in most of our English Bibles

today. Furthermore, he states that this revelation is addressed to, and can only open to those who

serve Jesus Christ. The book is cryptic enough to discourage the casual Christian. There are

also many things that could not be understood in past generations. The technology, as well as the

geopolitical composition of the planet, had not advanced to the state that the Apostle John

described. Fanciful, specially created monsters were conjured in the minds of the readers of the


Revelation account, because the war machinery described by John did not exist one hundred

years ago. These “monsters” are common, and easily recognized military hardware today.

The interpretations of respected theologians of a past century, who would never live to see the

times in which the book of Revelation would be fulfilled, should be carefully reconsidered before

the Lord. It was never needful for the Lord to clarify it for them, as it was not the time of its

fulfillment. They could only interpret these prophecies in the light of the geopolitical world and

reality in which they lived, just as we do today. The horse and buggy technology of a past

generation could not have provided the experiential framework to interpret these scriptures as we

are now able to do. It is clear to us living today that past generations of theologians would never

see the book of Revelation tied daily to front page news reports of the generation that is being

primed to welcome in the world government, and the much heralded New World Order.

It is the Lord Jesus who opened the Revelation to John, to show his servants. It is the Lord Jesus

who can alone open it to our understanding, if he finds a meek and obedient heart that will listen

to him over the din of a thousand scholarly interpretations. Many of us have become so well

versed in the inherited misinterpretations of the past that we cannot see the clarity and beauty of

the chronology that unfolds in its pages. Understanding must be sought on one’s knees, and in

the discipline of one’s mind to the truth, rather than by adhering to comfortable traditions of

thought and activity. Jesus Christ, the revealer himself, is to be sought, allowing the interpretive

works of men to pale before him.

Mysteries are opened to the mind through the work of the Spirit of God. It is the work of the

spirit to personally lead us into the truth. The provisions of the Lord Jesus Christ are abundant

along the path of righteousness. The Spirit of the Lord will shine into your heart, exposing sin

and error, so the eyes of your spiritual understanding can be enlightened. Spiritual understanding

comes with asking, seeking, knocking, and aggressively obeying. The Lord Jesus desires to open

this mystery of iniquity to your understanding, but the truth must be tried on and your own

inclinations analyzed and reconsidered. Not everything we think about the Scriptures is truth.

Only the Word of God is truth.

No one can force you to reconsider the pictures you hold in your mind. That is your burden

alone. However, the Lord is willing to lead you through the pain of doubt and the discomfort of

transformation. Trust him rather than your own understanding. The Word of God will not “fall

apart” if you dig deeply and reconsider your interpretation of certain scriptures, but your

eschatological viewpoint may. Are you willing to risk your present interpretation of a particular

scripture by putting your trust in the one who has promised to lead you into all truth? Do so in

prayer, and in faith, believing.


I am asking you to “watch the movie” within these pages. I know there are many ways to look at

prophetic scriptures, and the more serious students are certain to have their own interpretive

pictures planted firmly in their minds. For now, I am asking you to just watch the movie without

attempting to defend your own or someone else’s interpretation as you read. If you can suspend

your position long enough to take a fresh look, you will understand the mystery of iniquity with

unimagined clarity.

The Tribulated Church

The gathering together, or rapture of the Church, in it’s timely relationship to the mystery of

iniquity and the revealing of the son of destruction, is the focus of the Apostle Paul's second

letter to the Thessalonians. It is in this letter that we are given a glimpse of the mystery of

iniquity for the first time. We will consider that letter in detail. It was written to encourage a

church experiencing great tribulation, but remaining faithful to Christ even to their death. Paul,

Silas, and Timothy praised their brothers and sisters for their endurance in the face of such


Their sacrificial living was held up as an example to the entire Christian church. Then, and

through the centuries, their endurance in the face of persecution and death has remained a beacon

to the church. Their example teaches us that the reality of the resurrection is a far more certain

reward than anything that we may gain in this life.

Today the news media in America, and Christians in general, avoid acknowledging that

thousands of Christians are imprisoned and exterminated each year. This unpleasant reality has

not yet reached our shores. According to the editor of the Christian World Encyclopedia,

governments, or unrestrained mobs, have murdered over 160,000 Christians per year throughout

most of this century. In the case of the atheist/socialist governments of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao,

these numbers have been expanded to millions during particular purges. Too often, American

Christians have ignored what is happening to their brothers and sisters in other parts of the world,

because they were of another race, another color. This indifference and lack of compassion

reaches as close as the next pew. Jesus, on the other hand, cannot stop his ears from hearing the

cries of his servants. Since the blood of righteous Abel cried out from the ground for the Lord

God to avenge his death, the clock of the age of God’s goodness and longsuffering has been

ticking away toward midnight. God is very patient, not willing that any should perish, but he is

not slack concerning his promise of judgment.

Man has been allowed this age to repent and turn to God for forgiveness and mercy, but the age

is soon to end. The sword of God's righteous and holy indignation is about to fall. The day of

his wrath is fast approaching. When the last trumpet sounds, the saints of God, living and dead,

will be gathered, and the wrath of God will be poured upon those who have afflicted and killed

his people. But this will not happen until the sin of man has been brought to its climax. The

disparity between the righteous followers of God and the evil of this world will be separated by

the sword of God’s judgment. Man will have absolutely no excuse. Rejection of God and the

persecution of his people will be repaid in full measure.


The mystery of iniquity will play a big part in your life in the next few years. Unfortunately, the

mystery of iniquity has been ignored, or redefined and neutered of its significance. It is

uncomfortable to consider its impact on the way we should live in these last days. The

redefinition of this section of scripture pertaining to the mystery of iniquity was offered as part of

the well received “peace, safety, and prosperity gospel” that caught on at the onset of the

Industrial Revolution. The outgrowth of this redefinition, and resultant doctrinal error, has

became part of the strong delusion to which both Jesus and Paul prophesied. The warnings we

see in God’s Word are clear. If God’s people continue to ignore these warnings, he will allow

those who love comfort more than truth to walk straight into the snare that has been set for them.

This is one of the workings of the mystery of iniquity. They will believe a lie, and be hung by

their own apathetic unconcern.

II Thessalonians 2:7, For the mystery of iniquity doth already work...

“The mystery of iniquity doth already work,” and has been at work since Satan took his

rebellious stand against God, and subsequently man. One construct of the mystery of iniquity is

the hidden, behind the scenes workings of Satan, the god of this age as Paul refers to him.

II Corinthians 4:4, The god of this world <αιον> (age) hath blinded the minds of those

that do not believe, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, (who is the image of

God), should shine unto them.

The mystery of iniquity entails Satan's legal authority as god of this age. If a person’s mind

is blinded by Satan, he is unable to see even the obvious truths of life; much less so the conflicts

of power in the spiritual realm and the deep mysteries of God. This spiritual blindness can

account for much of the disparity in the mental perception of intelligent persons like Carl Sagan,

an eminent New Age science philosopher, who stated, “The cosmos is all that is, all that was, and

all that ever will be.” This is a fine example of a blinded mind producing a profoundly distorted

view of reality, from an otherwise respectable intellect. This is one man who may be at a real

loss for words when he stands before the judgment of Almighty God. His “cosmos” philosophy

will come back to bite him, in the end. This blindness is very subtle when one considers one’s

own prejudices and presuppositions, which filter out the truth in favor of evidence that confirms

one’s comfortable belief system. We must never stop questioning and questing for truth.

Rebellion in Heaven

To understand the mystery of iniquity, we must dig deep and search the scriptures diligently. We

must realize that the god of this age desires to blind our eyes to what he desires to accomplish, so

we can become ensnared in his world view and remain ineffective in our Christian lives. For our

search in uncovering the mystery of iniquity, it would be helpful to have a command of the

following definitions. They will be essential to our understanding. Please take a moment to

study and comprehend these important legal terms, as they are defined in the 1925 edition of

Websters International Dictionary. The mystery (the hidden secrets that cannot be revealed to

novices) that we are exploring, is that of iniquity.


Iniquity is defined as: The deviation from that which is just or upright. A deed of

injustice, or maleficent act.

The Greek word for iniquity is ανομια (anomia), also translated as lawlessness in the KJV.

Lawlessness is defined as: The state of being without or in opposition to the law. Hence,

lawlessness entails the stand of one who is in opposition to the originator, or author of the

law. An act of open rebellion, and renunciation of the one to whom one owes allegiance.

Rebellion is: An open, organized and armed resistance to authority. An organized

uprising of subjects to overthrow their lawful ruler.

Sedition, on the other hand, is: Conduct or speech which is in opposition to lawful

authority, but lacks an overt act that would constitute treason or rebellion.

Satan acted in open rebellion against the one to whom he owed his worship and allegiance.

Satan led an organized uprising of angels who sought to overthrow their lawful ruler, God. We

see that Satan was able to draw away one third of the heavenly hosts in his original rebellion

against God, as is depicted in Revelation.

Revelation 12:4, ...his (the dragon, Satan’s) tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven,

and did cast them to the earth.

Why did God not squash Satan like a bug when he rebelled against him? Why, if God is loving

and just, did he allow Satan to enter into the affairs of man and corrupt creation? Why? Because

God is love, God is holy, and God is absolutely just. God will not act in a maleficent, unjust, or

lawless manner to subdue Satan. Satan was given great power and authority in the beginning,

and that authority can only be stripped from him in a legal manner by one who has the right to do

so. Through his obedience to God, Jesus has prevailed, receiving the authority to strip Satan of

his delegated dominion (Rev 5), defeat him in heaven (Rev 12), subdue him in his rule over the

kingdoms of this world (Rev 19,20), and finally destroy the disobedient, lawless one in the lake

of fire (Rev 20).

The Title Deed

Satan is now holding fast to his authority in the heavens, which allows him access before the

throne of God where he now positions himself as the “accuser of the brethren.” Satan’s purposes

and methodology are exposed in Revelation 12 (verse 10), and the book of Job (1:6 -2:7) where

he is depicted in both scenarios as the accuser before the throne, and the one who steals, kills,

and destroys (John 10:10). Besides Satan’s position as the accuser before the throne of God, by

his deceptive wiles he also received the dominion of this world from the hand of Adam.

Adam originally received from God complete dominion and authority over the entire creation on

earth (Genesis 1:26). He also had dominion over Satan, but was “bribed” into a deal with Satan


after Eve was seduced to sin. Now Satan legally holds the title deed to this world, a title and

authority that was delivered to him by the original recipient, Adam. This same authority was

offered to Jesus Christ by Satan, for the small price of worship.

Luke 4:5-7, And the devil, took Jesus up into an high mountain, and showed unto him all

the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this

power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to

whomsoever I will, I give it. If you worship me, all this shall be yours.

Jesus did not dispute Satan’s claim that this world was delivered to his authority. Jesus did not

even challenge his jurisdiction, but flatly refused Satan’s offer, choosing obedience to God and

the plan for his blood to be poured out as the atonement for sin. God had ordained the sacrificial

death of Jesus before Adam relinquished the dominion of this world to the authority of Satan.

Ephesians 1:4, God has chosen us in Christ before the foundation <καταβολε (katabole)

to throw over, or give over completely, to relinquish> of the world... (KJV)

God has chosen us in Christ before the relinquishing of the world…(MIV)

After Adam relinquished his dominion over the world to Satan, there was no way for man to get

it back. It was lost forever. However, Jesus prevailed over temptation, sin, and death, to strip

Satan of his delegated authority, securing the kingdoms of this world God’s way. Revelation

chapter 5 shows us that only Jesus has the authority to take the scroll of the title deed of this

world from the hand of God. That scroll was bound by the seals of Satan’s power and authority.

Only Jesus has the authority that was given to him by God to actively dispossess Satan of his

legal claim, by stripping the seals of power from the scroll of the title deed to this world.

Revelation 5:1, I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a scroll written

within, and on the backside sealed with seven seals. 2 And I saw a strong angel proclaim

with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose the seals?” 3 And no

man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to

look thereon. 4 And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read

the book...

John was utterly shattered over the realization that there was no hope. There was not a man

living or dead who was worthy to loose the seals of the authority of Satan from the title deed. He

was in irreconcilable emotional chaos, to weep so profoundly before the throne of the God of the

universe. There was no hope for redemption. The fate of the creation was sealed, and there was

no way out from under the authority that was delivered to Satan. Satan kept the deed bound with

the power of his authority, and no one had the power to divest his authority from the deed to the

dominion of this world. John’s only response to this desperate dilemma was to anguish in tears.

Put yourself in his place. He was devastated. There was no hope.

Revelation 5:5, ...And one of the elders said unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the

tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll, and to loose the seven

seals. 7 And the Lamb of God came and took the scroll out of the right hand of him that


sat upon the throne. 8 And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and twenty-four

elders fell down before the Lamb...

Jesus Christ alone has prevailed, and only he is worthy to divest Satan of the dominion laid under

his authority by the first Adam. By the first Adam came the offense; by the second Adam, Jesus

the Messiah, came the reconciliation.

9 And they sung a new song, “Thou art worthy to take the scroll, and to open the seals: for

thou wast slain, and hast redeemed to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and

tongue, and people, and nation; 10 And hast made unto our God kings and priests: and

they shall reign on the earth.”

Revelation 6:1, And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were

the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts shout, Go! (KJV-GINT)

The power and authority by which Satan securely holds fast his claim, his legal authority to stand

before the throne as the accuser, and his authority over the kingdoms of this world is being

stripped away in heaven at this very hour. Each time a seal of Satan’s authority is torn from the

scroll, the unbridled power and fury of Satan is unleashed on the earth. With each victory in

heaven, mankind is brought one giant step closer to the global government of the destroyer.

Jesus is not causing the death and destruction on earth as the seals are removed. The destruction

is just the unavoidable consequence of stripping Satan’s legal command in the spiritual realm.

Satan is holding fast to his authority over the world, which we also see in Ephesians:

Ephesians 6:10-12, Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his

might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of

the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, <arche =

primary powers> against powers, <exousia = exercised authority (from the author)>

against the world rulers <kosmokrateros> of the darkness of this age, against spiritual

wickedness in the Heavenlies. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye

may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. (KJV-GINT)

...against the world rulers <kosmokrateros> kosmo = the world, the domain of the exercised

power of Satan. Krateros = to lay hold of, seize, retain by force. Satan and his minions have

seized and maintain their exercised dominion by force in the heavenlies. That spiritual

wickedness has a powerful presence in the heavenlies at this time. But that power is being

stripped away by the authority delegated to Jesus when he was raised from the dead. There is a

battle raging in the heavenlies against the power of the accuser. He is now holding fast to his

position in the heavens as the accuser before the throne of God. But there is also a battle raging

on earth for the souls of men. It is a life and death struggle with the heavenly hosts fully

engaged. Jesus and his angels are not willing that any of his chosen perish. Jesus is not lounging

around heaven in his pajamas watching Oprah reruns. There is strife and warfare up above and a

battle here on earth. We are told to put on the whole armor of God and enjoin the battle. This

spiritual warfare is reality, it is not a figure of speech.


Satan was delegated power and authority before iniquity was found in him. That authority has to

be removed from his dominion legally, by one who has overcome the same temptations to which

he succumbed. Jesus Christ has prevailed to loose the seven seals. Soon, an all out war in the

heavens will result in Michael and his angels’ consummate victory over Satan in the heavenlies.

War in Heaven

We now look into the throne room in heaven where the hidden, behind the scenes working of

Satan as the accuser is revealed. The mystery of iniquity begins to unfold as Jesus reveals the

details to John.

Revelation 12:7, And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the

dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And they prevailed not; neither was their

place found any more in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent,

called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the

earth, and his angels were cast out with him. 10 And I heard a loud voice saying in

heaven, "Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the

power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them

before our God day and night..."

Verses 6 and 14 in this chapter, pinpoint the war in heaven occurring 3½ years before

Armageddon. The war described is not Satan’s original rebellion, but a future event in which

the heavens will be shaken and the powers of evil will be defeated in heaven. When Jesus

spoke of the heavens being shaken and the stars of heaven being cast to the earth, he was

referring to this future cataclysm. The victory of the Lamb will be completed first in heaven, then

on the earth 3½ years later as Jesus the Messiah sets up his kingdom. He will incarcerate Satan

by casting him into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years.

Concerning this war in heaven, Michael and his angels will prevail over Satan and his angels.

Their victory will end his rebellious stand in heaven and despoil Satan of his authority to

stand in the midst of the throne room of God, where he now accuses the brethren day and

night. He will not relinquish his position willingly, but will hold fast to his position until he

is conquered and cast out into the earth. This victory in heaven will occur precisely 3½ years

before Christ returns from heaven with the resurrected saints, to conquer and rule at the battle of

Armageddon. At this “midst of the last 7 years” event, Satan, who has taken his rebellious

stand against God in the heavens, will then take his stand on the earth, opposing God and his



The book of Daniel gives a vivid description of the ruler and the world government under his

control (referred herein as the New World Order). That government will bear totalitarian control

over the entire planet before the Messiah comes to rule the Earth. According to the Prophets

Daniel and Paul, the casting out of Satan occurs at the exact time that the abomination of

desolation takes place.

The Destroyer is revealed as he takes his stand in the temple mount. This is referred to as

Satan’s time, and he will control the world government and the man who sits at the top of it; the

man of sin (II Thes 2:3), the son of destruction (II Thes 2:3), the Wicked one (II Thes 2:8), the

prince that shall come (Dan 9:27), the king (Dan 11:36), the mouth of the little horn (Dan 7:8),

the mouth speaking great things and blasphemies (Rev 13:5), he who shall magnify himself

above all (Dan 11:37, II Thes 2:4), he to whom authority is given to make war with the saints and

overcome them (Rev 13:7), he who has authority to continue 42 months (Rev 13:5), he who

blasphemes God, his namesake, his tabernacle, and the angels (Rev 13:6, Dan 11:36, II Thes

2:3), he whose army shall pollute the sanctuary and shall place the abomination of desolation

(Dan 11:31), he who will plant the tents of his command post between the seas in the glorious

holy mountain (Dan 11:45), the voice of the beast (Dan 7:11), he who wears out the saints of

God for 3½ years (Dan 7:25), antichrist (I John 2:18), he whose coming is after the working of

Satan (II Thes 2:9), the Destroyer (Rev 9:11), he who rises to power out of the smoke of the sixth

seal nuclear war and it’s bloody aftermath (Rev 9:11), the commander and CEO of the New

World Order military machine (Rev 9:11), the spokesman or representative for the beast system

(Rev 19:19), he whose coming is with all lying signs and wonders (II Thes 2:9), he who has full

ability to deceive utilizing the unrighteousness that is in them that perish (II Thes 2:10), he who

will come in his own name and the people will receive (John 5:43), and he who shall be

destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming at the battle of Armageddon (II Thes 2:8).

It is important to note that the individual spoken of is not the beast, as the beast is indicative of

the government system. The son of destruction sits as the undisputed ruler of the beast

government. As the head, he is referred to as “the beast” only once in Revelation 19:19-20, just

as Nebuchadnezzar was referred to as “the head of gold” in Daniel 2:38, because he was the

personal ruler of Babylon. All other references the beast, such as Revelation 13:1, are direct

references to the government. People do not have seven heads and ten horns, but governments

are described as having such features.

Revelation 12:11,...And [the brethren] overcame [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb, and

by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Living to the end and saving our own skin is not the ultimate goal of life and never has been;

enduring faithful to the end is. This verity never changes. It was true in the old covenant. In the

gospels, Jesus told the leaders of the New Testament Church that it would be so for us, and Paul

confirmed this truth throughout his letters to the churches. In the opening of his “revelation to

his servants concerning the things which must come to pass,” Jesus hammered the same message

to his church, to prepare them for the rough times ahead. He that endures faithful to the end,

shall be saved (Mat 24:13; Rev 2:7,11,17,26; 3:5,12,21; Mat 10:32,33; Luke 9:25,26). Hang in

there, I have read the end of the Revelation and Jesus guarantees that it will be worth any amount

of pain and suffering the world may heap on us.


Concerning the war in heaven and the victory won there:

Revelation 12:12, Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the

inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great

wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time...

At the outcome of this war in heaven, Satan is cast down from heaven, against his will. His

rebellious stand before the throne of God is abruptly terminated. He is taken out of the midst of

the throne room and cast down to the earth where he then takes his rebellious stand on

earth. That stand is manifested in the revealing of the son of destruction, a man who is fully

complemented with all the power of Satan, replete with lying signs, wonders, and a false prophet.

This is truly Woe to the earth and coincides with the first woe which occurs at the fifth trumpet.

Abaddon, Apollyon, the Destroyer is revealed as the king or commander of the New World Order

military force. He establishes order after the war that brings the world government into full

power over the inhabitants of the earth. It is not a peculiar coincidence that Satan is cast out of

heaven 3½ years before the return of Christ to reign on earth, and the Destroyer is revealed at

exactly the same time. It is the identical incident. Satan’s expulsion is the direct cause of the

Wicked one being revealed. His coming is after the working of Satan.

The mystery of iniquity is already at work behind the scenes and before the throne of God.

However, that mystery will be in it’s full rage and devastation when Satan, the lawless one

himself, is cast down to the earth, and works his will through the son of destruction, antichrist


Revelation 12:13, ...And when the dragon (Satan) saw that he was cast unto the earth,

he persecuted the woman (Israel) which brought forth the man child (Jesus Christ). 14 And

to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the

wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time

(3½ years), away from the face of the serpent. 15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth

water as a flood [common reference to an army] after the woman, that he might cause her

to be carried away of the flood. 16 And the earth [or forces of the earth] helped the

woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon

cast out of his mouth. 17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make

war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the

testimony of Jesus Christ.

The Destroyer is thwarted in his attempt to destroy the people of Israel. They flee from Judea

into the mountains as his army is engulfed in a war with a 200 million man army from out of the

east, at the sixth trumpet. After a successful defense against the eastern communist bloc, and his

failed attempt to exterminate Israel, he then moves to wipe out the followers of Jesus Christ from

the planet. After this comes the events of the seven thunders, the details of which are presented

in the live seminars: From Here . . . To Eternity.


Chapter Two

Prerequisite to the Rapture

We have seen that Satan does have a dominion that was his in the beginning with God, and an

authority that was transferred to him by Adam. He uses that authority stealthily and ruthlessly to

injure God by hurting his people. God is bound by his nature to be just, righteous, and loving.

God cannot act in an unlawful manner to defeat Satan, even though Satan stands in absolute

rebellion against him. God has committed all judgment into the hands of his Son (John 5:22).

Christ must rule until he has put down all authority and power in heaven and earth (I Cor 15:24-

28). The mystery of iniquity, Satan’s lawlessness, has been shrouded. But now we begin to

more fully understand the position that Satan maintains, and to which he holds fast--rights that he

was given before his rebellion, and the authority he secured by his conquest over Adam,

subjugating the entire human race. Let us now look at the context of the mystery of iniquity.

He Who Now Holds Fast

II Thessalonians 2:5-6, Remember, when I was with you, I told you these things? Now

you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his own time...(KJV)

The Greek indicates that the church in Thessalonica already knew what Paul was about to restate.

How did they know? Paul may have spent several days and nights on the subject while he was

with them. The evidence indicates that Paul was shown many of the same things that John

recorded in Revelation (II Corinthians 12). Some things he could tell them, others he could not

(such as the specific events of the Seven Thunders).

...Now you already know what withholdeth...

The word withholdeth is a poor translation of κατεχω (katecho), which primarily translates: To

seize and hold fast to retain possession. To know what holds fast to retain possession, we

must consider the larger context:

Now you already know what holds fast <κατεχω> that he (the son of destruction) might

be revealed in his own time, because the mystery of iniquity is already at work. But he

now holds fast <κατεχω> only until he is taken out of the midst <μεσοσ>. Then

shall the Wicked one (the man of sin) be revealed, whose coming is after the working of

Satan. (GINT)


The context allows only one interpretation of that which is holding fast. It is, and can legally and

grammatically only be, the mystery of iniquity which is already at work. It is Satan, the

lawless one in rebellion against the one to whom he owes his allegiance, who is now holding

fast to his delegated power and authority until he is taken out of the midst of the throne room

of God, where he now stands as the accuser. It is the behind the scenes working in the spirit

realm of the god of this age, who will be cast down to the earth and finally bound, judged, and

cast into the Lake of Fire. It is he, the lawless one himself, who now holds fast to his delegated

authority before the throne of God, and his delivered authority from the hand of Adam.

We have seen the mystery of iniquity at work as it was revealed in Revelation 12, where Satan

holds fast to his position of authority before the throne of God only until he is taken out of the

midst by Michael and his angels, acting under the authority of Jesus. Midst <μεσοσ> is the

term used for the area within the throne room of God (Rev 4:6, 5:6, 6:6), where both Jesus and

Satan have authority; Satan as the accuser, and Jesus as our advocate. The term throne in

Revelation refers not solely to a seat, but also to the expansive area around the throne, or throne

room. This is where Satan accuses the brethren day and night. Satan now holds fast to that

position, but only until he is overcome by Michael and his angels, taken out of the midst, and

cast down to the earth. Then, at that time, the Wicked one will be revealed (αποκαλυπτω =

suddenly uncovered). He is the man of sin, the son of destruction, in II Thessalonians 2:3. It is

he who is revealed in verse 7 and it is he whom the Lord will destroy with the brightness of his

coming at the Battle of Armageddon, in verse 8. It is he who was also prophesied in Daniel 9:26

as the prince that shall come.

Straining for a “Restrainer”

For several decades I, along with a multitude of pre-tribulation rapturists, have redefined the

word katecho to mean “the restrainer.” We fabricated a scenario that was never alluded to in any

of Paul’s writings or in the text of the entire Bible: That the holy Spirit is restraining Satan’s

power, and when the holy Spirit is taken from the earth (as well as the Christians) then the man

of sin will be revealed. Even though the language and the context would never allow this

redefinition, some of the modern Bible translations were influenced by this error. That

redefinition has even further buried the working of the mystery of iniquity. But redefinition does

not truth make, especially when it is in direct contradiction to the clear teaching in the context,

and the words of Jesus Christ himself.

No matter how much one wrestles the words “that which holds fast” to say that the holy Spirit, or

the Christian church in this world, is restraining the man of sin from being revealed, it will never

make it the truth. The Christians in America could not even keep our republic, which was rooted

in Christianity, from being taken over by atheist socialists. There is not one shred of evidence in

the entire Bible that we are keeping the man of sin from being revealed. We have nothing to do

with this event, Michael and his angels do! This strained restrainer concept is an attempt to

take our eyes off the context of Thessalonians, and produce a rapture before the man of sin is

revealed. Twisting this word to produce what the context clearly condemns is the working of

Satan. He is the author of the strong but comfortable delusion that Paul exposes.


You could torture κατεχω to say restrains, out of duress (much like you can get a child to say

“uncle” by twisting his arm). However, the context would never justify twisting “the mystery of

iniquity which holds fast to his authority until he is taken out of the midst of God’s throne room

by Michael and his angels” into “the holy spirit within the believer, which restrains the working

of Satan until the church is taken out in a secret rapture before the man of sin is revealed.” Only

one would be the truth, the other would be a deliberate twisting of the scripture, the result of the

working of Satan to bury the mystery of iniquity and the truth of the timing of the return of Jesus

Christ from the eyes of the Christian’s understanding.

A Letter to the Church in Tribulation

The section of scripture we have been considering in II Thessalonians is in the middle of a letter

to a church in the throes of great tribulation. It is very significant that this letter to the church in

tribulation is the last of the seven church epistles in its sequential order. It depicts Christ’s return

for his persecuted church proclaiming their glorious hour of deliverance. They are encouraged to

endure faithfully to the end, when Jesus will set them free from the pains of tribulation.

To understand this letter we need to read it as a letter from the beginning, rather than by selecting

a few specific sentences that “prove” a preconceived notion. It takes a few minutes to carefully

read the letter. It is worth every second, because we will find out exactly when Jesus Christ will

return to gather the church and pour out the wrath of God. We will see the legal parameters of

what must occur before the gathering of the Saints, so that we will not be misled nor taken by

surprise. For clarification, brackets < > have been inserted to bring in the truths concerning

the mystery of iniquity that we have discovered from the 12th chapter of the Revelation of Jesus


The Second Letter of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians

From: 1Paul, Silas, and Timothy,

To: The church of the Thessalonians in God our Father

and the Lord Jesus Christ:

2Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

3We are constrained to always thank God for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your

faith grows greatly, and the love of every one of you abounds toward each other. 4We

glory in you (among the churches of God) for your endurance and faith in all the

persecutions and tribulations that you are enduring. 5Your endurance and faith being a

manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that you may continue to be considered

worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are now suffering.

6Seeing it is a righteous act for God to recompense tribulation to those that tribulate you;

7And you who are now tribulated with us, will rest <ανασιν, (anacin) to be suddenly

loosed of the strain, be relieved of the pain> when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed


from heaven with his mighty angels, 8In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that

do not know God, and on those that do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Here we see exactly when the church will be suddenly relieved of the strain of tribulation. This is

the glorious Day of the Lord, when he is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, just as he

indicated to his disciples on the Mount of Olives. This is the day of our deliverance, and the day

the Lord repays tribulation to those who have tribulated us.

9(who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and

from the glory of his power.)

“Who shall,” in verse 9, starts a parenthetical future clause which indicates the final disposition

of the ones to which it refers. The Lord shall in the future accomplish this act, but not at this

moment. We have another parenthetical future clause in chapter 2 verse 8, which is just as


8Then shall the Wicked one be revealed, (whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit

of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming,)

The Wicked one (antichrist), will not be destroyed at the moment that he is revealed, or at the

coming of Christ for his saints at the last trumpet, but at the Battle of Armageddon, just as

Revelation 19 indicates. Here we see the absolute necessity of staying with the chronology of the

book of Revelation if we are going to make sense of the order that these prophetic occurrences

transpire. This future parenthetical clause that we are addressing in the first chapter does not

indicate that which will happen at his return for his saints, but looks forward to the future time

of the White Throne Judgment after the millennial reign of Christ, when the final disposition of

Satan and those whose names are not found in the Book of Life are cast into the lake of fire and

punished with everlasting destruction.” Now we read this parenthetical in its entirety,

inserting in bold italics the timing of this occurrence as we understand from Revelation 20:11-15.

9(who shall, in the end, be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the

Lord, and from the glory of his power.)

Now let us back up and read from verse 6, leaving out the explanatory parenthesis to follow the

flow of the letter.

6Seeing it is a righteous act for God to recompense tribulation to those that tribulate you;

7And you who are now tribulated with us, rest, the strain and pain that you are

experiencing will be suddenly relieved when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from

heaven with his mighty angels,

8In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that do not know God, and on those that

do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 10when he shall come to be glorified

in his saints, and to be admired in those that believe, IN THAT DAY (because our

testimony among you was believed).


When will the tribulation of the saints be suddenly relieved? In that day. For whom is he

coming? For his saints. Why is he going to be glorified in them? Because their (Paul, Silas,

and Timothy’s) testimony among them was believed. Of which day is he speaking? That day

when the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel

and the trump of God, taking vengeance on those who have been tribulating the church and

suddenly relieving the pain and strain of tribulation. The tribulated church will rest when the

Lord Jesus comes for his saints in all of his glory. The word rest is in the Greek ανεσιν, anacin

(from whence is derived the brand name of a famous pain reliever). The picture that the word

anacin paints is a person bound and stretched tightly on a rack. Bones are popping out of their

sockets and internal organs are beginning to tear loose from the connecting tissue. Ropes and

chains holding the body in tension are as tight as a violin string. At the point of loosing

consciousness, the avenger breaks through the door, slashes the chains that bind the extremities

to the rack, and destroys those who have been torturing his beloved. It is the Day of the Lord.

(See Appendix IV, The Witness of the Heavens).

11Therefore we always pray for you, that our God would consider you worthy of this

calling, (by your endurance unto the end ) and fulfill in you, the pleasure of his goodness,

and the work of faith with power: 12That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be

glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus


After his prayer for the tribulated Saints, Paul expounds with clarity the day of our deliverance at

the glorious coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2:1Now we implore you brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and

our gathering together unto him; 2Do not be shaken up or troubled, (not by a spirit,

nor by dissertation, nor by a letter as if it were from us), thinking that the day of the

Lord is imminent <ενεστηκεν = standing near, impending, close at hand>. 3Let no

man deceive you by any means; BECAUSE that day shall not come, EXCEPT FIRST

This third paragraph, starting with chapter 2:1, is concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

and our gathering together unto him. They were not, and we are not, to be troubled or deceived

by any of the means that truth (and lies) are generally disseminated. We are not to be worked

into a frenzy, thinking that the gathering together is imminent. We are then told the condition

that first must be fulfilled before that day can happen. BECAUSE sets the reason. EXCEPT

FIRST sets the condition that must be met, the absolute legal prerequisite to his coming to

gather the saints, thereby relieving the pain and strain of tribulation. What is it?


3Let no man deceive you by any means; BECAUSE that day shall not come, EXCEPT

FIRST there come the rebellious stand, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of

destruction 4who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or is venerated;

so that he, as God, sits in the temple of God, proclaiming that he is God.

There are no other words that can be used to express with greater clarity, the reason, the

condition, and the act. We are not to be shaken because the gathering together is not imminent.

The condition that must come first is the rebellious stand. The result of this rebellious stand is

that the man of sin is revealed, the son of destruction who exalts himself above God. Verse four

is nearly a verbatim recitation of Daniel’s description of the king of wickedness in chapter 11,

verses 36 and 37, and the mouth, or blasphemous spokesman of the beast government in

Revelation 13:5-8. Why did we not see it more clearly? Because the mystery of iniquity is

already at work to blind the eyes of men to the truth.

A Falling Away?

Once men formulate an opinion, they have a tendency to protect their theology, as if the universe

revolves around their interpretation. Meekness before the Lord is a fine line to walk, and not

very comfortable. The King James translators did not help things much either. After laying out

the reason and absolute prerequisite for the gathering together of the saints, they let the

whole buildup fall flat on its face:

BECAUSE that day shall not come, EXCEPT FIRST there come…

…a falling away

I must express my personal disappointment at such an uneventful conclusion to a most intense

crescendo. I am about to find out in no uncertain terms when the Lord is returning to gather the

saints together and end our tribulations. I am finally going to know so specifically that I will not

be deceived by any means. Then I get this vague, lackluster, inconclusive: “a falling away.”

A is a general article. In the Greek the word is η, which is the definitive article the. It can be

most accurately described by pointing the finger at an object, thereby defining it precisely, and

saying, “the ______ .” The words “falling away” do not help much either. A falling away from

what? The truth? That is how it has been handled in a million and six sermons. Even in Paul’s


II Timothy 1:15…all they which are in Asia be turned away from me...

II Timothy 4:16…all men have forsaken me…

Falling away from the truth had certainly happened in Paul’s time, but it happened during the

Dark Ages as well. Can we be more specific, since we are pointing the finger at an occurrence


that will signal an event that must come to pass before he can gather us to the throne room of

God for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb? Or do we acquiesce to “a generic falling away,” to

point to the absolute prerequisite to his coming to deliver us?

“A falling away” in the Greek is: η (he) = the, αποστασια (apostasia) = to stand in seditious

opposition, or open rebellion. Αποστασια has been transliterated into the English “apostasy,”

and has come laden with the misconceived meaning “a falling away from the truth.” In Greek

literature αποστασια was used as “divorce,” which indicated a betrayal against one’s covenant.

It was a stand in opposition to one’s spouse, not a simple “falling out of love.” There is only one

other time that the word apostasia is used in the Bible. This one occurrence is rich with meaning.

Acts 21:20 …You see brother Paul, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe,

and they are all zealous for the law; And they were seditiously informed about you, that

you teach all of the Jews which are among the Gentiles, to forsake Moses…

Forsake” is αποστασισ (apostasis), apo = away from, stasis = to stand; hence to stand away

from, in opposition. Here we see the activity of the word sedition that we defined earlier.

Sedition: Conduct or speech which is in opposition to lawful authority, but lacks an

overt act that would constitute treason or rebellion.

They considered Paul’s speech as an incitement to rebel against the lawful authority of Moses.

They accused him of teaching people to rebel against the authority of God. His speech, if their

accusations were true, would have been sedition. The act of the people in response would have

been rebellion against Moses.

Rebellion: An open, organized, and armed resistance to authority. An organized

uprising of subjects to overthrow their lawful ruler.

Αποστασισ is an act. The substantive form designated by the suffix σισ indicates an act or

stand taken. That would put this “stand in opposition” into the category of rebellion, if it were

acted upon by the hearers of Paul’s so called seditious teachings.

We see then that the apostasia in II Thessalonians chapter 2 is not a vague falling away but rather

the act of rebellion. This rebellious act is an active stand against the lawful ruler of the universe,

God. The act of rebellion was initiated by Satan himself. He has stood in rebellious opposition

to God’s authority since his original act, and his rebellion is not yet complete. He now opposes

God before his throne. When he is cast down to the earth he will take his stand of rebellion

against God and his people here, through the son of destruction - the man of sin.


Αποστασια is an act. The substantive form designated by the suffix σια indicates an act or

stand taken, but is not yet completed. That would put the “stand in opposition” into the

category of a rebellion that was begun, but is not yet completed. The stand of rebellion that

Satan initiated against the Most High God will be quashed while he is bound in the bottomless

pit for 1,000 years. His rebellion on earth will resume when he is released and deceives the

world one last time at the end of the Millennial reign of Christ on earth. Satan’s rebellion will be

eternally terminated as he is cast into the lake of fire and tormented day and night, from ages to


The result of the rebellious stand that must come before the Lord gathers his church, is that the

man of sin will be revealed. The son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above all

that is called God, is venerated by all those that dwell on the earth. He as God, will sit in the

temple of God proclaiming that he is God.

The definite article η or the is also very important to understand when one looks at the next

phrase: The man of sin is revealed, the son of destruction, who… This is not referring to some

general sinful condition of man or some destructive tendency of mankind. It is in no uncertain

terms pointing to the one who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or is

venerated; so that he, as God, sits in the temple of God, proclaiming that he is God. Now we

plainly see that the event which must come to pass is the event spoken of by Jesus and Daniel, as

the abomination of desolation, or the revealing of the king of unrighteousness. This statement is

a near verbatim recitation of the accounts in Daniel, Revelation, and Isaiah.

Daniel 11:31, Arms shall stand on his behalf...and they shall place the abomination that

makes desolate... 36And the king shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself

and magnify himself above every god and shall speak marvelous things against the God

of gods...37Neither shall he regard any god for he shall magnify himself above all.

Revelation 13:5-7, And there was given unto the beast, a mouth speaking great things

and blasphemies; and authority was given unto him to continue forty two months. 6 And

he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name and his

tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. 7 And authority was given to him to make war

with the saints and to overcome them: and authority was given to him over all kindreds,

and tongues, and nations.

Isaiah 14:13, 14, For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into the heaven, I will

exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit upon the mount of the congregation in

the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most



This section in Isaiah has been attributed to the rebellion of Satan, but in the context it is a

proverb spoken against the king of Babylon who is portrayed as the morning star having fallen

from heaven. This could very well be speaking prophetically concerning Satan’s future casting

down to the earth, and the ruler of the last “Babylon” taking his throne under the power of

Satan’s working. It also could have a direct prophetic application for Satan, Nimrod, and

Nebuchadnezzar, and a final specific fulfillment at the end time with the antichrist. In any case,

the attitude and verbiage are the same as we see in II Thessalonians chapter 2. It appears that the

man of sin is one groomed to be inhabited by Satan himself. He is described as the man

<anthropos = offspring of man> of sin. He is probably a man completely possessed by Satan.

II Thessalonians 2:5, Remember, when I was with you, I told you these things?

Paul had rehearsed the specifics of this revelation with them in detail while he was with them in

Thessalonica. He also put some of these things down on parchment so the church would have a

record of the things that must come to pass in the latter days. This revelation fully corroborates

the revelation that John received on Patmos Island. We were not there to know all of the things

that Paul revealed to those Christians in Thessalonica. He may have spent days unmasking the

mystery of iniquity for them. What you are seeing unfold in this book is a portion of what Paul

laid out for those believers. What was necessary for the church in tribulation to know then is

even more necessary for the church (who will experience the great tribulation) to know now.

6Now you already know what holds fast <to his position in heaven as the accuser> that

he <the son of destruction> might be revealed in his own time, 7because the mystery of

iniquity <the accuser’s exercised authority before the throne of God, and clandestine

attacks on the brethren below> is already at work. But, he now holds fast <to the

authority and dominion delivered to him> only until he is taken out of the midst <of the

throne room of God, by Michael and his angels>. 8Then shall the Wicked one be

revealed, (whom the Lord shall, at Armageddon, consume with the spirit of his mouth,

and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming,) 9He whose coming <the man of sin>

is after the working of Satan; With all power and signs and lying wonders, 10having full

ability to deceive utilizing the unrighteousness that is in them that perish; because they

did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11For this reason, God

shall let them go (πεμπω) to a working error, so that they will believe the lie: 12That

they might all be damned who do not believe the truth, but had pleasure living in



The Legal Prerequisite

The context of the first and second chapters of II Thessalonians gives us a picture of a

persecuted, but courageous Christian church. They are being encouraged to endure. Paul told

them that they will be relieved of the strain and pain of persecution when the Lord Jesus is

revealed from heaven with his angels, taking fiery vengeance on those who have been tribulating

them with torture and death.

Paul instructs them not to be shaken up by anyone who indicates that the day of the Lord

gathering his church, and taking vengeance on the world, is imminent. Paul sets the absolute

prerequisite for that day, being the rebellious stand of Satan when he is cast down to the earth.

The result of this rebellious stand is that the man of sin is then revealed (apokalupto, suddenly

uncovered), the son of destruction who exalts himself as God. This will happen prior to the

gathering together.

No Christian is to be deceived by anyone who teaches that the Lord could return at any moment,

even though they mean well. And no Christian should be deceived into thinking that the Day of

the Lord does not refer to the day that the Lord raises the dead in Christ at the first resurrection,

and gathers those that are alive and remain to meet him in the air. They are one in the same.

This is made abundantly clear in the two Epistles to the Thessalonians, as well as I Corinthians

and the Revelation.

We can now see that over the last 1990 years, the Lord's return was never imminent. He could

not have returned 100 years ago. The abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel, Jesus

Christ, Paul, and John must occur first. Paul reminded them that what he is saying refers back to

what he taught them while he was in Thessalonica. They were already aware of the mystery of

iniquity at work and holding fast to his position in heaven, until the future war with Michael and

his angels results in his being cast down to earth. When that takes place, the Wicked one will be

revealed whose coming is energized by the power of Satan. That man of sin will be destroyed by

Jesus Christ when he returns to establish his kingdom, at the Battle of Armageddon. Those who

love this world more than they love the truth will be allowed to go to a working error of the

mystery of iniquity. They will believe the lie of which Paul again tells them not to be deceived.

This deception concerns the timing of the gathering together of the church in relation to the

abomination of desolation, when the man of sin, the son of destruction is revealed. II

Thessalonians 2:11 (KJV) reads:

…God shall send them strong delusion…

The word send is πεμπω, which properly translates “to send home.” Because some in the

churches and the world would rather listen to the voice of men over the voice of God as it is

recorded in the scriptures, God will send them home to where they are comfortable with their

own delusions and commodious errors. All who do not love and believe the truth, but find their

reward living in the comfortable lap of the world, will be judged accordingly.

In II Thessalonians chapters 1 and 2, there is a clear and repeating emphasis all through this

section of scripture concerning Satan and the revealing of the man of sin.


Satan: The Destroyer:

The one who takes his rebellious stand The man of sin revealed

That which holds fast The son of destruction

The mystery of iniquity He who exalts himself above all

That which is already at work He who proclaims himself God

He who now holds fast He who will be revealed in his own time

He who is taken out of the midst The Wicked one who shall be revealed

The working of Satan He who is coming after Satan's working

There is also a clear and repeating emphasis all through this section of scripture concerning the

day that the Lord Jesus is revealed at his coming for the saints, to gather them together.

The Lord Jesus Christ:

Who will repay tribulation to those who are now tribulating you.

You who are now being tribulated, rest - the strain and pain will be relieved:

When Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels

When the Lord takes out his vengeance in flaming fire

In that day when he comes to be glorified in his saints

In that day when he comes to be admired in them that believe

In that day when he gathers us together

In that day that will not happen, EXCEPT FIRST...

Their is absolutely no context for that which is now holding fast to be considered as anything

other than Satan holding fast to his position before the throne of God, as the accuser. This

section of scripture is telling the Church that the prerequisite for Jesus Christ returning to end the

pain of tribulation is the events laid out in the book of Revelation, when Satan is cast out of

heaven and the man of sin is then revealed at the 5th trump, the 1st Woe. He will not return

before then. He cannot. Legal prerequisites exist. God cannot break his word. Praying contrary

to his word will not change anything. Satan must be expelled from heaven and his dominion

terminated there before the victory in heaven is complete. Jesus cannot gather us to the sea

of fire and glass in front of the throne of our heavenly Father, until the mystery of iniquity

is conquered and taken out of the midst. We cannot enter the throne room for the

Marriage Supper of the Lamb until Satan is permanently expelled from heaven, and the

wrath of God is completely poured out. Satan’s authority must be stripped from him,

legally and permanently. No one goes up before Satan is cast down. Period!

I was guilty of twisting these scriptures in just the way that I have exposed to you. I had to do so

to prove my pre-tribulation rapture teachings. I was an energetic exponent of the teachings of my

church and theological institutions. I had a doctrine, position, reputation, and denomination to

protect. In short, I was party to the system of this world that had been well rooted in my religious

sect. Just because a denomination is in the mainstream of modern Christianity does not mean

that truth is much of a concern.

But I did have concerns. For twenty years I did not feel completely comfortable with the way

that I was handling II Thessalonians chapter 2; but I would feel more uncomfortable not having a


command of the denominational party line on these verses. One weekend of seclusion, with no

one to impress and nothing to prove, I prayed honestly: “Lord, you know that I don’t understand

the mystery of iniquity or how it relates to the gathering together of the church. If you desire, you

can show it to me. I know that you are able to reveal anything that you want.” I was in no hurry.

I picked up my Greek New Testament and began to read and think. I was compelled to leave II

Thessalonians and go to the 12th chapter of Revelation, which in my mind had nothing to do

with Thessalonians. The Lord revealed the mystery of iniquity to me by using a chapter of the

Bible that I had blindly misinterpreted for over 20 years. Fourteen hours later, it all fit together.

I was electrified by what I saw, but my eschatology lay in shattered pieces on the stone picnic

table at which I sat. The verses on which I had based my dispensational interpretation of the pretribulation

rapture had melted before my eyes. For the first time in my life, I understood what

Paul was communicating to the church in Thessalonica, and the church today. Once I dropped

my haughty intellectual pre-suppositions and went to my knees before the Lord, he began to open

my heart to the truth of his Word.

Hours later, I asked the Lord Jesus if he was willing to open the book of Revelation to me. I had

been pretending to have a command of the book of Revelation for years. Although it was my

“pet book,” honestly, before the Lord, I knew He had never opened it to me. I had pried it open

by studying the interpreters of current and past generations. I knew that if Jesus had given the

revelation to John to show his servants, then Jesus could, if he wanted, open it up to me. As I

prayed on my knees, an explosion in my mind resulted in my repeating over and over, “It is all

there, and it is all in order. The abomination of desolation is there, the gathering of the church is

there, it is all there and it is all in order.” I repeated that explosion in my mind so many times,

that now a year and a half later, it is as fluent as the moment I saw it. I reached for my unmarked

reading Bible and began to feverishly mark up the book of Revelation with a rainbow of color. I

knew where all of the major events were instinctively. I was unable to sleep for the next three

days. My personal interpretation was in ruins, but for the first time the book of Revelation was

clear to me and without confusion. It is all there, and it is all in order. Reading it in sequence,

setting aside the chapters of parenthetical explanations, brings out a Technicolor picture that is

both horrifying in its destruction, and awesome in its glory.

For the next several weeks of solitude I prayed over and over again, “Lord, if you have shown

this to me and it is true, and not the fabrication of a sin sick mind, burn it in my soul and don’t let

me compromise what you have shown me. Show me how to communicate this, if it is you Lord.

If this is not true, take it from me Lord. I cannot bear to separate myself from my Christian

friends. If this is not your revelation, take it from me Lord.”


The fire kept growing in me. In the months to come, the Lord confirmed his Word to me very

unforgettably. He repeated specific verbal confirmations from several sources, verbatim.

Sometimes from very unwilling sources. A fire is shut up in my bones that I cannot quench.

Months passed with nothing to sustain me but the clarity of the revelation and the drive to teach

it to the people who will be able to make a real difference in the weeks and months to come. I

have a reward because I do this willingly, without the chance of personal gain.

In May of 1996, this manuscript began as a personal letter to a fellow minister. Within a few

hours, I knew that I could not stop until I had secured in written form, some of the things that the

Lord had revealed to me. I have deliberately avoided reading any of the prophetic works that

have been recently published until the draft of the manuscript was finished. I have been asked by

many if I had read Rosenthal’s work on the pre-wrath rapture. I have not. If the revelation

stands or falls, it must be judged against the Word of God and not by man’s work. I do not know

what revelations have been seen or what conclusions have been reached by others. There are

however, a few specific revelations to which the Lord has led me, to verify what he had shown

me from the pages of scripture. Appendix III concerns the modern day prophets, whose voices

the Lord used to confirm the revelation.

It is my responsibility to speak out on this, because I had been in the past an unwitting party to

the mystery of iniquity. No minister would want to be party to that mystery. Yet by omission,

the mystery of iniquity has been hidden from the Christian church, because ministers like myself

have not exposed the hidden, behind the scenes workings of Satan. While the system of the god

of this age labors to bring about the world government and the man who will be revealed as the

prince of the New World Order, the church has remained mute as godless humanism is forced

upon our offspring. By our silence we are playing into his hand. By teaching error from the

pulpit, we have set the snare of Satan that will catch the church in its own comfort zone.

Remember, ministers, the denominational hierarchy will not be standing in front of you at the

judgment seat of Christ. He will. You will answer to him personally, and you cannot plead

ignorance or, “I was just following orders.” Jesus gives the orders around here. If you don’t

want to listen to him, get out of the way and quit misleading God’s people. Your reward may not

be as severe if you decide to quit actively promulgating the mystery of iniquity.


Chapter Three

The Chronology: From Here to Eternity

The most well defined signpost concerning the end times is the event referred to by Jesus and

Daniel as the abomination of desolation, which takes place precisely 3½ years before Christ

establishes his earthly kingdom. This event and timing is one of the most documented facts on

the prophetic calendar. Paul refers to this as the revealing of the man of sin, the son of

destruction, the Wicked one who proclaims himself to be God. John refers to him as antichrist,

the mouth speaking great things, and Abaddon, Apollyon, the Destroyer.

The chronological order of end time events is detailed within the specific seals, trumpets,

thunders, and bowls of wrath in the book of Revelation. Please note that chapter 12, from which

we have been reading, sets as a parenthesis within the chronology of the Revelation. This

particular parenthesis covers several thousand years. It details among other things, the original

rebellion of Satan and his angels in heaven, the birth and ascension of the Messiah, and Satan’s

subsequent rebellious stand on earth after he is cast out of heaven 3½ years before Armageddon.

But before we discuss the parenthetical explanations in the book of Revelation, it will be helpful

to set the chronology first.

Nowhere else in scripture are we given future prophecies concerning the end times in a

chronological order. Those who have studied the prophetic accounts in the gospels and Old

Testament prophets are painfully aware of this. They simply were not written by one man and

laid down chronologically. For generations we have attempted to assemble the ancient

prophecies in an order that has made sense, both biblically and in the current geopolitical world

in which we live. It is wise to remember that only the Word of God is flawless. Our

interpretation of Bible prophecy is subject to our own presuppositions, the times in which we

live, and our limited comprehension of the eternal purposes of God.

Well respected prophetic interpreters of the past have fallen into disrepute because they have

failed to reconsider their interpretations in the light of what has developed on the world scene.

Many of these interpretations have proven invalid through the years. If they do not reevaluate

their positions, they both become relics of a past generation. God’s Word alone is completely

reliable. What we think about it should always be suspect and open for reevaluation.

The only sure way to assemble the chronology of end time events is to go to the only book in

which the chronological order of events is recorded: The Revelation of Jesus Christ. After

the introduction, the book of Revelation begins by Jesus Christ laying down the structure for how

the entire revelation will be given. The revelation commences in verse 10.


Revelation 1:10, I (John) was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great

voice, as of a trumpet, 11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: What thou

seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia.

After John was given this instruction, he saw the Lord Jesus Christ in the glory of his resurrected

body. John was so shaken that he fell down on his face as if he were dead. Jesus then touched

him, told him not to fear, and to:

19 Write the things which thou hast seen (Jesus appearing to John in the glory of his

resurrected body), and the things which are (Christ’s current messages to the church),

and the things which shall be hereafter (in the future); 20 The mystery of the seven stars

which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden lamp stands. The seven stars

are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven lamp stands which thou sawest are

the seven churches.

The things which thou hast seen, are recorded in chapter 1 verses 12 - 18.

The things which are, are recorded in chapter 1 verse 20 through chapter 3 verse 22. Even

though these messages addressed specifics in the church of that day and time, (the way they are,

back then), their relevance to the church throughout history, and today, is undeniable. It is

sobering to recognize that Jesus sees behind our facades and cannot be fooled by the front we

project to even our closest friends. Reading this section of Revelation on your knees can be a

very rough experience. The format is there in each message to a church. What does Jesus have

against your personal lifestyle and walk with him? What can he praise you about? What

encouragement to a more worthy endeavor can he entice you with? What vision of the future

reward will give you courage to endure? If you will read these messages to the churches, asking

your Lord to speak to your heart and to be brutally honest with you, you can be brought to the

place of true repentance before him, and you will not need to be crushed by the world before you

turn your heart to him. If you will judge yourself and keep yourself from sin, Jesus will purge

you and keep you in the hour of tribulation that is coming upon the whole world. That is one of

his promises to you.

Otherwise, you can try this thing on your own, do it your own way, and see how you fare.

Business as usual is not going to cut it in the months and years ahead. If you are not living for

him and walking by the spirit of God now, don’t think that you are going to miraculously change

when the economy crashes and you can’t buy a loaf of bread with your entire retirement fund.

Do not think that a host of angels is going to descend on your house to keep you warm and safe

while you watch five hours of entertainment TV and eat steak out of a freezer that never goes

empty. There are only so many angels to go around. If Daniel had to wait for 21 days for an

angel to get through the spiritual battle to deliver a message to him, I think that it would be wise

to make our lives valuable in doing the will of our Lord. Perhaps then we will “rate” an angel to

keep us and our family protected, which may result in others turning to the Lord Jesus.


The things which shall be hereafter are recorded in chapter 4:1 through chapter 22:6. This

addresses those thing which are in the future to the 90 AD churches in Asia, and have been future

to all but the Christians that will see the end of the age. Jesus described some of these events to

his “future followers” as he addressed his disciples just days before his crucifixion, when he sat

them down in private on the mount of Olives (Matthew chapters 24, 25).

Revelation 4:1, After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the

first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come

up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

John was then taken to the throne of God to see the future of mankind, and the battle that rages in

the heavens because of the rebellious stand that Satan has taken against God and his people. To

extrapolate from this verse that John “represents” the church as it is taken up into heaven in a

secret rapture, destroys any possibility of understanding the book of Revelation.

Utilizing that logic, we must say that John, falling down as dead at the feet of Jesus, represents

the church being paralyzed by fear and unable to live for Christ (Rev 1:17). Of course this is a

inane abstraction, but not more so than the “secret rapture indicator.” If we are allowed to

allegorize the Bible in this “anything goes” fashion, we might as well close the book and make

up our own stories. I am not saying that there is no rapture, but this is clearly not it! We will

see the day that he raises and rewards his Saints later in the book of Revelation. It will be no

secret. It will not be a vague allusion or indication. It will not be stuck in between verses or

between seals or thunders. It will be the greatest revelation in the history of the planet. Jesus

said that every eye will see when he sends forth his angels to gather the elect, and all of the tribes

of the earth who have not obeyed his Word shall mourn. As we explore the things which must

be hereafter, we see that the book of Revelation is laid out in chronological succession.

7 SEALS: Satan's authority stripped from heaven; his unbridled power unleashed on earth.

6 TRUMPETS: War devastation that gives the New World Order full control on earth.

7 THUNDERS: Great tribulation and persecution of Israel and the Christian church.

7th and LAST TRUMPET: Age of grace ends; the saints’ (1st) resurrection and rewards.

7 BOWLS OF GOD'S WRATH: The day of vengeance of our God; tribulators tribulated.

ARMAGEDDON: Christ returns to the earth to rule; Satan bound for 1,000 years.

MILLENNIUM: The 1000 year reign of Christ on earth; saints rule with a rod of iron.

THE END: The last (2nd) resurrection and final judgment; death and the grave destroyed.

ETERNITY: The new heaven, and earth, and new Jerusalem; God wipes the tears away.


Every significant prophetic future event in the Old and New Testaments will fit precisely into the

chronological sequence that unfolds in Revelation. When speaking of the chronological order of

events, it is obvious that Jesus could not strip off the 4th seal before he stripped off the 1st seal,

because the 4th seal would then have been the 1st seal. When Jesus strips off the 7th seal, the

seven angels with trumpets are introduced and begin sounding their trumpets in successive,

chronological order. If this seems like we are dealing with elementary logic, we are. Why then

have we not been able to intelligently see the order of events in the book of Revelation?

Honestly, because we don't like seeing what takes place. I don’t like it either, but that is not the

criterion by which God rules the universe. Where the chronology is clearly disturbing, some

have attempted to legitimize an “early out” by engaging in a “dance of the seals and trumpets,”

that stacks seals on top of thunders, on top of trumpets, on top of bowls. This leaves the book of

Revelation in an indecipherable time warp continuum, all in an attempt to get us out of here

before the first resurrection at the last trump. (See Appendix I, The Chronological Outline of the

book of Revelation).

Every prophetic event in the Old and New Testaments will fit precisely into the

chronological sequence that unfolds in Revelation. Prophetic events of great significance

are indicated by the events described by the seals, trumpets, thunders, last trumpet, and

bowls in precise chronological sequence. The revealing of the Destroyer is there. The raising

of the dead in Christ at the rapture of the church is there. It is all in there, and it is all in order.

There is an extremely important and fearsome warning to those who would trifle with the book

of Revelation. It originates in the Gospel of Matthew, in Jesus’ warning to, “Take heed that no

man deceive you, for many shall come in my name...and deceive many.” Sincerity will not make

a difference when it comes to casually explaining away the solemn warnings of Jesus Christ

concerning his second coming. The snares have been set. Most Christians will walk blindly into

them. Yes, I am talking about you! Unless you carefully listen and take heed in meekness,

willing to broadly apply the warnings of your Lord to your own thought processes, you will be


The Secret Rapture?

Our thought processes and beliefs are primarily shaped by the pew that we sat in, and the

experiences that grew out of that understanding. But there is a higher authority to whom we must

answer, and our minister will not be with us before the throne to accept the blame for what we

believed about life, or how we lived it. Do not trifle with the warnings of Jesus Christ, but

rather, try your heart diligently according to his words.

Revelation 22:18, I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this

book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are

written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this

prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city,

and from the things which are written in this book.


I will not add an extra resurrection into the book of Revelation, or in any book of the Bible, in an

attempt to get us out of here early. The penalty is too severe. I will not take away the value of

the warnings, thereby taking away the validity of the entire book, by insisting that it is not written

to the Christian church as the Servants of Jesus Christ, but rather to “Israel in the future.” I will

not take away the church, before Jesus takes it away at the Last Trumpet. I would rather err on

the side of caution than to assume a most damnable attitude of frivolity concerning these

warnings. Let me err on the side of caution. As a man, err I will. I will not attempt to change

the timing of events by insisting that extremely significant events must have happened between

verses, or between seals or trumpets. I will not attempt to sneak in a secret rapture anywhere in

the book of Revelation. Instead, I will wait for Jesus Christ to return to raise the dead and gather

the church, when Jesus clearly revealed to John and Paul that it would take place: At the 7th and

last trump.

The seals, trumpets, and thunders record the destruction of man against man under the influence

of Satan. Nations are being judged at this time, by God’s time honored method of allowing other

nations to crush those who have turned away from him. Yet, none of the occurrences in

Revelation is the vengeance and wrath of God until we get to the seven bowls of God’s wrath.

That is the time of his punishing those who have destroyed the earth (Rev 11:18).

To be truthful with you, I don't like what happens before the Destroyer is introduced at the 5th

trumpet. I don't like the seven thunders. I don't like what happens before the last trump. I like

the end, but the journey looks a bit rough. I would like the waters of life to be very smooth until

Jesus returns to take me to heaven in the middle of a five course Sunday brunch. I would also

like my daughters to grow up in the America of 40 years ago. I would like to have a million

dollars in my pocket, and peace on earth. I would like...

Once you read the book of Revelation by staying directly with the chronology of the 7 seals, 6

trumpets, 7 thunders, last trumpet, 7 bowls of Wrath, and the Battle of Armageddon and

succeeding events, you can then go back and fill in the details with the parenthetical sections of

scripture. The parentheticals do not change the chronology, they only amplify. They give

detail, and show cause and effect. They describe past and foretell future events. They tie

the beginnings to the endings, but they never contradict the perfection of the chronology.

Some parentheticals cover 3½ years, one covers several thousand years, but the chronology of the

book of Revelation stands alone.

The Three Resurrections

The parenthetical section that we have been dealing with in the 12th chapter of Revelation is

directly after the chronological revelation of the seventh and last trump, when the mystery of God

is executed. This particular mystery concerns the resurrection out from among the dead of those

who are “in Christ” from both the old and new covenants. This is the first resurrection, the

resurrection of the just, when the saints will be raised incorruptible and rewarded for their

faithful service.


Revelation 10:7, In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to

sound, the mystery of God shall be executed, as he hath declared to his servants the


This is the mystery of God concerning the resurrection that Paul revealed for the first time to the

Corinthians. It is important to recognize that before Paul revealed this mystery, the resurrection

of the saints was not understood in the detail that we comprehend it today. The body with which

we will be raised is addressed for the first time in the records of the church.

I Corinthians 15:50, ...flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God...Behold I show

you a mystery...

This is the first time that Paul puts together the change from the corrupted corpse to the

incorruptible new body and from the mortal flesh to the immortality of a body like Christ’s

glorious body. How fast will this change happen?

I Corinthians 15:52, ...In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye...

When will this mystery be executed?

I Corinthians 15:52, ...At the last trump...

There is no confusion between Jesus, Paul, and John. This is when the mystery of God is

executed, at the last trump. This is the moment that the dead in Christ will be raised and the

righteous will be judged and rewarded. This is the exact picture that we see when the seventh

angel sounds the last trumpet:

11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The

kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he

shall reign for ever and ever. 18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and

the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give

reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy

name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

The faithful martyrs from Able to Zechariah; Stephen, Matthew, and Thomas, to those who stand

against the son of destruction; these all will be raised and rewarded (as well as all those who

have died in Christ) at the last trumpet. They will be given authority to reign with Christ a

thousand years. Of the two resurrections, this is without question the better one in which to


Hebrews 11:35 ...others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a

better resurrection.


Some say that there is no resurrection or future judgment. In I Corinthians 15:12 and following,

Paul refuted some errors that had crept into the body of believers at Corinth. Paul laid out the

specifics of the three times that the dead are raised, Jesus himself becoming the firstfruits from

among those who have died, being alive now and forevermore.

I Corinthians 15:20, But Christ is risen from the dead, becoming the firstfruits of

them that slept. 21 Since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the

dead. 22 For in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. 23 But every

man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his

coming; 24 then cometh the end...

The word: cometh, being in italics, was added by the King James translator. There is no

authority to add the word cometh. It is improperly supplied and should be deleted and read as

follows: Christ all shall be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order: (1) Christ

the firstfruits; (2) afterward they that are Christ's at his coming; 24 (3) Then the end;

(When he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall

have put down all rule and all authority and power.)

Christ will have put down all rule, authority, and power by the time of the “Great White Throne

Judgment.” He will have cleansed heaven of the exercised authority of Satan. He will have put

down all rule on earth and subjected this world under himself as Adam was to have done. Then

he will overcome all the power of Satan, opening the grave and casting Satan into the lake of fire.

Note the order of the time indicators: firstfruits, afterward, then. That summarizes the


After Christ’s resurrection, the next resurrection, in order, will be those that belong to Christ at

his coming. This is referred to as the first resurrection (Rev. 20:5). In I Corinthians 15:12-54,

the truth of the resurrection, the nature of the new body, the indication of rewards, the speed

at which this change will occur, and the timing of this first resurrection are all addressed. The

entire context of this section of scripture is the resurrection of “they that are Christ’s at his

coming” for his saints at the last trump. This is our hope; not a “get out of tribulation free” card.

These are the three resurrections, or times that the dead will be raised to life. In these three

resurrections all will be made alive:

1. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is the firstfruits from among the dead.

2. Those that are Christ's at his coming. The justified in Christ who looked forward to his

coming in faith, such as Abraham, Moses, and David, and those of us who look back at

his sacrifice in faith, as we do today. They will be rewarded for their righteous works.

This is the resurrection of the just.

3. The end, or last resurrection, when all who have ever lived will stand in judgment before

the great white throne. This excludes all those who have previously stood before the

judgment of Christ at the first resurrection.


The two resurrections remaining to be fulfilled are those who are Christ’s at his coming, and the

end resurrection when he has conquered all principalities and powers. These remaining two

resurrections are documented fully in the book of Revelation. They occur at the 7th and last

trump (Rev 10:7; 11:15,18), and at the end, just before the final judgment (Rev 20:11-15). These

are the only times that the dead are raised. That is all there is, and there ain’t no more.

Do not tamper with God's Word. There remain two resurrections after Jesus was raised from the

dead. He now holds the keys to the grave, and all who live will be raised and judged by him. Do

not trifle with the Word of God by adding more resurrections to the book of Revelation and to I

Corinthians chapter 15. You will find yourself in contempt of God, having loved a comfortable

lie more than you love the truth. He will not change his plan to suit your fancy, you will simply

be judged for misleading others into your personal plan of salvation.

There are those who have redefined the resurrection of those in Christ in I Corinthians 15 as not a

“resurrection,” but only a “raising of the dead.” This asinine and illegitimate redefinition is a

contrived striving over words in a vain attempt to insert another resurrection of the dead. The

raising of the dead in Christ is a resurrection; the terms are synonymous and legally describe the

resurrection of the justified at the last trump. The audacity to redefine this entire chapter is

inexcusable. Attempting to redefine the resurrection as “a raising” is a prime example of the

wrestling of definitions that needs to be accomplished to support an extra resurrection in which

to insert the secret, pre-tribulation rapture of the church.

Without the illegitimate redefinition of the word “resurrection,” there is no legal base for a pre or

mid-tribulation rapture. None. The theological juggling of parables must then be resorted to, in

order to justify the assumption. The word “resurrection” appears in the 15th chapter of I

Corinthians more than any other place in the Bible. This chapter is speaking specifically of the

gathering of those in Christ as the resurrection of those who have been justified by him. If you

are in Christ, when the last trumpet sounds you will either be resurrected or changed. You will in

a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, be “born again.”

Born Again?

Scripture declares a literal resurrection of every person who has ever lived. The euphemism

“sleep” is used here in I Corinthians, because death will end. In Revelation 1:18, Jesus holds the

keys to death and hell (the grave). All will be made alive by him, and stand before his judgment.

Christ was raised as the firstborn from among the dead (Rev 1:5). When Jesus spoke to

Nicodemus, he told him of the necessity of being γενναω ανοθεν (born again) in order to

inherit the kingdom of heaven. Nicodemus responded with a question for further clarification.

Nicodemus knew that one does not enter into their own mother’s womb a second time. He was

not a fool, he was a doctor of the law.


Nicodemus knew that Jesus was using a parable, which is simply a parallel between a well

known reality of the physical universe, as it relates to a spiritual reality, or a concept that has not

yet been revealed. Just as we are born into the physical world with a body equipped to live in

this physical universe, we must be born again with a spiritual body equipped to live in the

kingdom of heaven.

Paul clearly expounded the truth concerning the incorruptible body with which we will be raised,

“flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven.” This corrupted body must put on

incorruption, and this mortal body must put on an immortal one (I Cor 15:50ff). That new body

will be like the body with which Jesus was raised. When Jesus was raised, he was the firstborn

from among the dead. He was raised with a body that was no longer powered by blood, but by

the spirit, yet it had physical properties that are quite tangible. This is when Jesus was “born

again” as he used the term when speaking to Nicodemus.

Jesus was raised from the dead with a new body that is equipped to live eternally in the kingdom

of heaven. We too will receive a new body that is like his resurrected body (Philippians 3:21), at

the time we are either raised from the grave, or clothed with a new body at the moment of his

return. Then, we too will be “born again.” Since the flesh and blood body of this first physical

birth cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven, “marvel not that I say unto you, you must be born

again.” No one enters by any other door, and Jesus himself is the door to eternal life.

I realize that most Christians, like myself, have grown up in the church using the term “born

again” as describing the experience of confessing Jesus as Lord and being filled with the gift of

holy spirit. I in no way deny that experience. I am simply saying that Jesus did not use the term

“born again” to describe that experience. While this is not an evil error, its wrong usage paints

an incorrect picture of not only our salvation, but the change that must transpire before we can

inherit the kingdom of heaven. The lights will go on when this truth takes root in your heart.

One thing is obvious, however, none of us are “born again” at this time. It is a future experience

that will have a physical impact on our bodies, whether we are alive or in the grave.

Be Not Misled

Matthew 24:4, ...Take heed that no man deceive <πλανοσ> you.

The word deceive is πλανοσ, (planos) from which we get the word planet, meaning wandering

star. It means to mislead or cause to wander. It does not carry the weight of the word

“deception.” Jesus explained, when the blind leads the blind, they both fall into a ditch (Mat

15:14). The blind are attempting to help each other, but they still get hurt. They may be helping

each other to live a Christian life. The two walking together may find strength, encouragement,

and hope from each other as they stumble down the road. Their assistance from each other is

more encouraging than no help at all, yet they are still blind and cannot know what they cannot

see. They are not to be criticized and condemned as unenlightened fools. They need to be

helped out of love, or left alone, but certainly not jeered.


They may be doing their best, as they follow the advice of other blind men who have walked the

path before them. They may very well be doing their best and they will answer to their Lord for

how they have walked. They may be walking a straighter path than we, just because they are so

earnestly endeavoring to please their Lord. I will not mock them, yet I will not put out my eyes

and join them either. I have enough blind spots in my own life without making more.

In the Gospel of Luke we find another very critical warning from Jesus. It concerns his return

and the prophesied deception that will be rampant in the church.

Luke 21:8, And he said, “Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many will come in my

name saying that I am Christ, and that the time draweth near <συνελαυνω εγγιζω>: go

ye not therefore after them!

To not be deceived, Jesus said that it is up to us to take heed. It is our responsibility to

listen carefully to what he has said, comparing his teachings with the teachings of those

who come in his name. We see from the scriptures that false prophets are inside the church and

may speak the truth in many areas. They may be completely sincere ministers and teachers, but

they still mislead, especially those who are not rooted in the Word of the Lord. There is,

however, a very specific warning that Jesus focuses on here. Those who are going to be

misleading the church in the end times will proclaim that Jesus is the Christ and that the time (of

his return) draweth near. The “time draweth near” is referring to his promised return for them,

just as it does in the companion record in Matthew chapter 24.

The words for draweth near in the Greek are: συνελαυνω (sunelauno), which means to drive

together with intensity, and εγγιζω (eggidzo), which means to closely approach; to be near at

hand. Its usage paints the picture that the time of his return is intently imminent, the time is now

at hand, it could happen at any moment. Jesus warned his followers: When those who name the

name of Christ say that his return is imminent, do not follow them. The words are clear, and the

warning to the terminal generation, timely. There are prerequisites to his return, as Jesus will

clarify in the following verses. When teachers in the church at the end of the age say that the

return of Jesus is imminent, Jesus said very boldly and clearly to go not after them; do not follow

their teachings for they are not teaching the truth. In the following dissertation, Jesus tells them

that many things will happen that will terrify most people, but that even then, the end is not

imminent. Jesus goes on to describe the days of Satan’s vengeance that will cause his disciples

to be persecuted and killed. He speaks further of the signs in the sun, moon, and stars; the

shaking of the powers of the heavens that will precede his return for them. In verse 27, Jesus

says that after the powers of the heaven are shaken, then they will see him coming in power and

great glory.

Luke 21:28, And when you see these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift

up your heads; for your redemption draweth near < συνελαυνω εγγιζω >.

Right here Jesus wraps up the whole teaching on “the scandalous deception,” and ties it with a

big pretty bow. He starts out the warning by telling his disciple not to follow those that say his

return is συνελαυνω εγγιζω. He then states the prerequisites that must be fulfilled. When those

conditions are met then they are to look up because his return is συνελαυνω εγγιζω. When are


they to look up? When all of these things begin happening, as they are initiated by the shaking of

the heavens when Satan is cast out. These are the exact terms that are used by Jesus to indicate

the beginning of the devastation of the Great Tribulation.

Do not follow those who come in his name and say that his return is imminent. They are

speaking a lie. They will answer to Jesus for their deceptive handling of the scriptures, even if it

was handed down to them by their denominational traditions. They are setting the snare of the

mystery of iniquity for the strong delusion. Do not follow them. Reprove them. Give them a

copy of this book so that they will see the error of their ways and repent. Do not assume that they

are too hard hearted or set in their ways. The Lord knows their heart and he may have been

working on them for years. I was in the same deception. Our Lord is merciful to those who seek

him with their whole heart.

We will be able to say that the Lord’s return is imminent before too long. We know that in just

less than 3½ years after the Destroyer is revealed as the commander of the New World Order,

Jesus will return for his church. Our redemption will be especially longed for, after a few years

of great tribulation. I have observed that those who teach the imminent (at any moment) return

of Jesus avoid Luke 21:8-28 like the plague. I do not feel that the words of Jesus Christ can be

swept under the rug as insignificant chatter. I will stick with Jesus on this one, if you don’t mind.

The Greatest Scandal of the Christian Church

This scandal will not likely be reported on the evening news, yet it is the most serious scandal

that the Church will ever face in its history. It will be more shocking than the bones of hundreds

of babies found at the bottom of the lake at the cloistered convents of the Roman church in

France. It will be more contemptible than the executions of millions of Christians in Europe by

Popes during the Dark Ages. It will be more devastating than Stalin exterminating 7 million

Christians in the Ukraine with the financial aid and knowledge of the United States government,

under the regime of Franklin Roosevelt. It will be more newsworthy than exposing Jim and

Tammy Faye Bakker’s air conditioned doghouse. This scandal will result in Christians hating

and betraying each other to death! Disappointed expectation will be the reason that Christians

will hate and betray each other. They will be snared in their own preconceptions and habit

patterns, because they have believed what Jesus said, “Believe not!”

Matthew 24:10, And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and

shall hate one another.

WHY? What could cause such bitterness, disappointment, and hurt that Christians would betray

each other to the death? What terrible traps have been laid for the Christian church? What are

the plans of the mystery of iniquity that could put us into such a condition? It appears that there

will be two groups of Christians: The haters and betrayers, and the hated and betrayed. It will

not be a pretty picture, just as it isn't when it happens in the church now.

I know how it is to find your denomination riddled with envy, pride, jealousy, and sexual

promiscuity and perversion. I know many ministers who are now recuperating as truck drivers


because they have witnessed the same hypocrisy within the upper echelons of their own

denominations. It crushed their lives and their spirit. I know what it is like. Life can be bitterly

disappointing, even when things are going relatively well. But what could cause such wholesale

hatred against each other? What disappointed expectation? What could cause the Christian

church to turn their back on Jesus Christ and each other? What could cause such bitter hostility?

Could it be that they would have reason to believe that Jesus himself has let them down? Life is

not lived in a vacuum. What is the cause of this terror? What is this trap, Lord?

10 And then shall many be offended, < σκανδαλιζω (skandalidzo) = snared> and shall

betray one another, and shall hate one another.

Skandalidzo is a snare. A snare is set to capture the prey in their own environment and habit

patterns. The snare is set by watching the habit patterns of the intended victims. You observe

where they feed, where they go to water, and where they go for rest. You learn the comfort zones

of the beasts that you are attempting to capture. The snare is then set to catch them in their own

habit patterns by a device that is well camouflaged and appears to be a harmless part of their

comfortable environment.

Skandalidzo is the Greek word from which we get the English scandal. Legally, to lure with bait

is to entrap, but to catch someone in an act in which they are willingly engaged is scandal. The

Christian church will be caught in their own habits, snared by thought patterns and taken captive

in their own comfort zones. Their expectations are about to be irreversibly disappointed. When

this snare is sprung it will cause them to turn on each other. Their world will be turned upside

down. What are the snares that will catch the Christian church in their own expectation, thought

patterns, and habits?

Matthew 24:11-13, And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And

because iniquity shall abound, the love <αγαπε> of many shall wax cold. But he that

shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

There are two major snares that Jesus exposes in this section of scripture. The first is the

nature of salvation, confessing Jesus as Lord, and our accountability to him. Part of this snare

concerns our responsibility to Jesus as our Lord, our continuing in the path he laid down for us,

and the requirement of enduring and remaining faithful to the end. It is clear that we are

accountable to the Lord for our works as his servants. That is the main thrust of the parables in

this section. The result of this snare does not manifest itself until he returns to gather the church.

Many grief stricken servants will be weeping and wailing and gnashing their teeth over lost

opportunities, lost rewards, and, perhaps worse, being left behind to inherit the reward of

disobedience. The parable in Matthew 24:42-51 and the warning of II Thessalonians 1:8 speak to

those who do not obey their Lord.


The second snare concerns the nature and timing of his return to gather his servants together. By

timing, I do not mean the day and hour, but the parameters that we as awake and sober Christians

are instructed to know so as not to be deceived by the strong delusion already at work in the

mystery of iniquity. Christians who believe that Jesus is going to come and get them before the

Great Tribulation, will feel betrayed. The let down will be severe. It is certain that they will feel

lied to by those who have preached this “gospel.” The hatred and betrayal will cause the love of

God to grow cold in many. The ensuing confusion will cause all but the very elect to be deceived

by the “prince that shall come.”

Forewarned is Forearmed

Jesus foretold the wrestling of scriptures to try to prove that there is another resurrection, a secret

rapture or “tameion” coming for his saints, as Jesus referred to it. He detailed this deception in

Matthew, and warned about adding and subtracting from the chronological sequence of

Revelation. He then told Paul that those who love comfortable lies more than the truth will be

allowed to go home to their own working error, right into the waiting arms of the “messiah from

hell.” The snare has been set, just as Jesus foretold.

Matthew 24:24, For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew

great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very

elect. Behold, I have told you before.

For thirty years I assumed “behold, I have told you before,” meant that Jesus was reiterating

something that he had told them previously. That is what the King James Version indicates.

Since we do not have a scriptural record of the previous occurrence, I relegated his warning to

insignificance. I never seriously questioned the scope of his statement, I just read by it with

unconcern. I was wrong, and the King James is mistranslated here. The Greek text reads:

...Look, I am foretelling this!

These words highlight one of the most serious warnings of Christ to his followers concerning his

return for them. Cautiously heeding this warning will ensure that we will not be deceived by any

man. He is foretelling the future condition in the church that will allow all but the very elect to

be deceived. This deception will dominate the teachings of the church before he returns, and it

will have been introduced by ministers who have spoken what Jesus has not authorized, and

repeated by those who found the message comforting. Given the solemnity of the warnings, it is

a dangerous position to ignore, gloss over, or attach an insignificant meaning to the specifics

Jesus describes.

Jesus stated to the Apostles of the New Testament church, nearly 2000 years before the fact, that

these false teachings will so permeate the church that it will deceive nearly everyone! Listen!

Listen! If there is one warning to be heeded from the lips of Jesus Christ concerning his coming

for his followers, it is this prophetic warning of the teachings that will abound before he returns.


Do not trivialize this warning! Let it haunt you day and night. I pray that you will not be able to

sleep until the truth of what Jesus spoke grabs your heart and shakes you to the depth of your

soul. I pray that you wake up shaking in cold sweats over the veracity of this warning. This is

serious. You have been set up for the great deception if you love the words of manufactured

comfort from man more than you love the warnings of your Lord. He has shown us the path and

has promised us strength to endure until the end.

Matthew 24:26, Therefore if they <false Christs> shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the

desert; <ερημοσ> go not forth!

The word desert is not indicating a dry hot area with cactus, snakes, and lizards. Words paint

pictures in the mind as a means of communicating thoughts and emotions from one mind to

another. What is the picture or communication being painted by the word <ερημοσ> eremos?

Here eremos is a noun used as an adjective which is a descriptive, indicating the environment.

This Hebrew linguistic construction is very common in Matthew and Revelation. But, what is

the environment? It is the same word, and environment, which described where John the Baptist

was teaching:

Mark 1:4, John did baptize in the wilderness <eremos>, and preach the baptism of

repentance for the remission of sins. 5 And there went out unto him all the land of


John was in the wilderness where everyone who wanted to see him had to go forth to see him.

Jesus described the same environment here. False Christs will mislead the church to think that

we will need to go to him when he returns. Jesus warned us to go not forth, and went on to tell

us the true environment of his coming that cannot be falsified.

Matthew 24:31, And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and

they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the


This is why we will not need to “go forth” to see him. He is sending forth his angels to get us.

He is coming in all of his power and glory. No one will be able to duplicate his coming. No one

could deceive you unless you were taught to look for a “different” coming: A secret,

imminent coming with no known precursors to the event. Jesus said the snare would be set

by false teaching among his future followers.

False Christs, for the most part, are not very good at deceiving the church; at least not to this

date. But the mystery of iniquity has laid plans for a very dangerous deception in the near future

that will deceive all but the very elect of God. Most of the Christian church will fall prey to this

snare. Be forewarned, this is not an idle prophecy from Jesus! The snare is set. To keep from

getting snared read on carefully. No matter who shows up as the messiah, go not forth!


You may very well witness this snare as it is sprung on the church. Remember, Jesus has

foretold it. But how will this snare be set for the church? By prophets and teachers in the church

who have spoken falsely in the name of the Lord. However, this snare cannot be sprung without

the false teaching that Jesus now exposes for his future disciples who will live to see his return.

This is the picture that Jesus paints of his return for his disciples. However, Jesus warned us of

false prophets who would sow the seeds of a deadly snare into the church at the end of the age.

Jesus stated the form that this deception would take so that his disciples would not be deceived

by anyone who taught a different gospel. Remember, he is foretelling this so that we will not be

deceived by men!

Matthew 24:26b, If they <the false Prophets> shall say unto you, behold! he is in the

secret chambers; <ταμειον> Believe it not!

Secret chambers is ταμειον (tameion), which again is a noun used as an adjective describing

the environment of his coming back for his disciples. The significance is clearly not on the

place, but the condition. The Hebrew emphasis is again on the picture the words paint, rather

than the more typical mathematical construction of the Greek language. The environment of his

coming is the emphasis. What is the environment described? Please look at the context of these

two other occurrences of tameion. It becomes very clear.

Matthew 6:5-6, ..And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they

love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be

seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward (which is to be seen openly

praying). 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, <ταμειον> and when thou

hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in

secret shall reward thee openly.

Tameion shows us that which is done deliberately in secret so as not to be seen openly. It is an

intentional secret for the purpose of concealing the activity from those who could see if it were

done openly. Tameion can be, and is translated as closet, storehouse, storeroom, inner chamber;

anyplace that can obscure the actions of one from being observed. Its usage is not meant to

convey where one hangs clothes or stores grain. Jesus is not painting the picture of a deception

by false prophets who will teach that Jesus will come, and you will find him in a closet standing

amidst your suits and dresses, or you will find him behind a sack of wheat flour. No! The false

teaching is that he will return to gather us in a secret rapture, unseen by the world. The

act, as well as its timing, would be a secret with no precursors to the coming event. His real

coming, however, will be preceded by several events that are an integral part of the Great

Tribulation. Jesus foretold of the deception by false prophets. That you would not know when it

would happen, and that it would be an unseen event. Let’s look at Jesus’ other usage of tameion:


Luke 12:2-3, For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid that

shall not be known. 3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard

in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets <ταμειον> shall be

proclaimed upon the housetops.

What are the conditions described by tameion? Secret, covered, hidden, not known, in darkness,

silent. Tameion clearly indicates that which is not open for visual inspection, a secret

occurrence, or a mystery event unseen by the world. If false prophets (who may be honest,

sincere Christians) say, “Look, he will return at any time to gather his church in secret!DO

NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT BELIEVE IT! Look, Jesus foretold of this deception!

Jesus said that this teaching would become predominate in the church. He foretold it 1900 years

ago! Yet we have swallowed this secret pre-tribulation rapture hook, line, and sinker, since it

made its major debut in the early 1800s. Jesus said that this would happen, yet many people are

more willing to accept the words of a man in the pulpit than the words of Jesus Christ. It is not a

question of the sincerity of those who teach it, it is a question of authenticity.

It has been recently reported that pre-tribulation rapturists have uncovered evidence that suggests

that the pre-tribulation rapture was taught hundreds of years before the false prophecy of

Margaret McDonald started this current craze. I fail to recognize that the longevity or antiquity

of a lie qualifies it to be considered truth. It does not matter when the lie was first spoken, or by

whom. It was exposed by Jesus as a future deception that would mislead all but the very elect.

His prophecy stands. All that are contrary, are misled misleaders, the unwitting assistants of the

mystery of iniquity. We will all stand before his throne very soon. Let us at least consider what

Jesus said before accepting this new and comfortable doctrine. Jesus is not coming in tameion.

How then is he coming? His disciples asked…

Matthew 24:3, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy

coming, and of the end of the age? 4 And Jesus answered, TAKE HEED THAT NO


The apostles asked when and what and Jesus began with the caution: Take heed that no man

deceive you. He then went on to answer their question, but gave them prophetic detail about the

snares that will be set by the false Christs and false prophets in the church. Jesus painted the

picture of what life will be like before he returns for the Apostles, and the church that will be

established by them. He made no effort to paint a rosy picture for those “to whom were given to

know the mysteries of the kingdom of God” (Mat 13:11). After a very discouraging set up, Jesus

told them exactly what his coming will look like, and when it will be. Make no mistake, Jesus

was speaking to his disciples, his dedicated followers, about his promised return for them.

Matthew 24:27, For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto

the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.28 (For wheresoever the carcass

is, there will the eagles be gathered together.) 29 Immediately after the tribulation of

those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars

shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:


30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the

tribes of the earth mourn, and they (all the tribes of the earth) shall see the Son of man

coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his

angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from

the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Jesus nailed every specific that he had just warned them about concerning the false Christs and

false prophets:

1. When he returns, you will not need to go forth to him, he is sending forth his angels

to raise the dead and gather the elect.

2. It will not be a secret in its timing or in its execution. Every eye on earth will witness

his power and great glory; all those left behind will mourn. This will be the great and

notable day of the Lord, the day that the Lord acts. It will take place after the tribulation.

When will it happen? After the tribulation of those days, which begins at the abomination of

desolation, detailed in verses 15 - 22. The powers of heaven will be shaken and the Great

Tribulation begins when Satan and his angels are cast down to the earth, forevermore defeated in

the heavens. After the tribulation of those days is when Jesus will return for his disciples, as he

has promised. The gathering together, or rapture of the elect, is neither a secret in its timing or in

its employment. Jesus has given us specific parameters for both what it will look like and when

it will happen.

The Rapture: Timing and Execution

Nearly two thousand years ago Jesus prophesied of the secret pre-tribulation rapture heresy and

warned us of the “false prophets” that would be teaching this very doctrine (just as I, myself, did

for over twenty-five years). Must the Christian church continue to deny his words and every

scripture concerning his coming for his church because we are afraid to believe the Bible over

our denominational associations? The Day of the Lord will be the most triumphant revealing in

the history of man. Unfortunately, many who have been misled by the false prophets, insert a

secret rapture between verses, and then allegorize the book of Revelation any way that fits that

presumption. The pre-tribulation rapture is not reality. It is a fairy-tale from the prince of fairies

himself, Satan. No one can read the Bible and come up with a pre or mid-tribulation rapture. It

simply is not in the plain text of the Bible. It needs to be explained by the “enlightened ones,” to

the theologically ignorant masses. After the masses are shown which sentences to isolate to

prove this fabrication, we then can pass it down to the next generation of unenlightened

“sheeple.” This self comforting theology attempts to get us out of here before we must face what

life is now like in many other parts of the world. But it won’t happen! If you think things are

bad now, cheer up. They are going to get a lot worse. Jesus clearly teaches his followers when

he is coming back, and what it will look like. They have not been asking about Armageddon,

they know nothing about Armageddon. They want to know when Jesus is coming back for

them! Jesus knows what must happen first so he tells them:


Matthew 24:27, For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto

the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (28For wheresoever the

carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together.)

As scavengers make their timely arrival at the carcass of those who have fallen, so will the angels

make their timely arrival at the graves of the just, when they are sent forth to raise them in the

twinkling of the eye.

29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days (the sun shall be darkened, and the

moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the

heavens shall be shaken:) 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in


When will the sign appear? After the tribulation of those days, which will be worse than any

other time in the history of mankind, and unless those days were cut short, there would not be

anyone left alive on the planet. What is the sign? Like lightning, splitting the sky from east to

west, as he sends forth his angels to gather the elect. In the atmosphere darkened by the nuclear

war in the west at the sixth seal, and the conventional war in the Mideast at the sixth trumpet, the

entire earth will witness the angels in full glory being sent out to gather the elect over all the

earth. This darkened atmospheric condition was prophesied to exist “before the day of the Lord”

many times in both Old and New Testaments (Joel 2:10,31; 3:15; Mat 24; Mark 13; Luke 21;

Acts 2:20). But we never learn the cause of the condition until it is revealed in the book of

Revelation (Rev 6:12; 8:12; 9:2). The sign is not the darkened atmosphere, but the light of the

mighty angels piercing the darkness as they are sent forth to gather the elect from the four winds.

30 And THEN shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the

tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of

heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great

sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect <the justified in Christ

from all ages> from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Then and only then (after the tribulation of those days that begins at the abomination of

desolation) will we all see the angels sent forth. Not everyone on the globe will see Jesus

personally at the moment of his return, that would be an optical impossibility. However, the

sign--millions of angels being sent forth--will not be missed by anyone alive on planet earth.

This is Jesus’ coming in power and great glory!


Chapter Four

Coming in Power and Great Glory

Lets look at these verses in the light of the other records of Christ's coming to gather the church,

that “where he is, we may be also” (John 14:3).

Matthew 24:27, For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto

the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be....30 And then shall appear the

sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and

they (all the tribes of the earth) shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of

heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great

sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from

one end of heaven to the other.

Does this scenario of his coming look and sound familiar? Let us peruse the New Testament for

other accounts.

I Thessalonians 4:15, For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which

are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not precede them which are

asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice

of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up <‘αρπηζω> together with them

in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Plenty of noise and glory going on here. This cannot be a secret to anyone on earth. Caught up,

Αρπηζω (harpadzo), was translated into the Latin as rapture, from whence comes the term as it

is used in Christian circles today. “Caught up” and “gathering together” are used in the KJV

Bible as the event described by Jesus of his coming again to his followers to receive them unto

himself. The place he has prepared for us in his Father’s house, will be accessed via Jesus Christ,

who is The Way. Any attempt to get to the throne of God, other than by him, will be a futile

attempt (John 14:1-6). He will come and get us how and when he told us he was coming, and

not a moment sooner.

II Thessalonians 1:6, Seeing it is a righteous act with God to repay tribulation to them

that tribulate you; 7 And you who are tribulated with us, rest <ανεσιν> when the Lord

Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, 8 In flaming fire taking

vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus



Pay back time is coming. The day of vengeance and the wrath of God nears. The tribulated

church will rest <ανεσιν = anacin>, yes, the pain will be relieved! When? When (and not a

moment sooner than when) the Lord is revealed from heaven to gather the church and execute

his vengeance and wrath on all those who have tribulated his people in the last days. The glory

and power of the Lord will be revealed on that day.

Revelation 1:7, Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they

also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.

There is no secret here either. The last trump is the great day of victory for the Lord Jesus Christ

and his church. Every eye shall see and all the earth shall wail, who have not made him Lord.

I Corinthians 15:51, Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall

all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the

trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

If this is a secret rapture, the trumpet has got to go. If the English and Greek language can be

depended on as a reliable means of communication, the speed at which this change will occur

and the timing are both addressed in this verse. At the last trump is when. The last trumpet is

not some obscure reference to a vague occurrence somewhere in the annals of ancient

Hebrew history. It is the establishment of the revelation that John and Paul received

concerning the first resurrection of the dead in Christ at the last trump. Looking back at

these verses after seeing them a thousand times, it is easy to forget that when Paul wrote

concerning the changing of our bodies at the last trump, he was declaring a mystery. These

Christians had never before heard this revelation. The mystery he was revealing to the

Corinthian church is the same mystery to which Jesus alluded, and God has kept secret until this

time. It is the mystery of the new birth, when our corrupted or mortal bodies will be changed into

a body that is equipped for the kingdom of heaven. Paul said the same thing Jesus told

Nicodemus, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven. We must be changed.

We must be born again, just as Jesus was when he was raised from the dead. Jesus has been

given the keys to death and hell. No one gets up until he raises them, and the first to rise will be

the justified in Christ at the last trump. The mystery of the new birth will be executed at the

last trump. John was told the exact same thing by the angel in heaven.

Revelation 10:7, But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin

to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished <τελεω> EXECUTED, as he hath

declared to his servants the prophets.

When is this mystery to be executed? When the 7th and last trump sounds.

Revelation 11:15, 18, And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in

heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of

his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and THE TIME OF THE DEAD,

that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants


the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and

shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

Here it is at last. The last trump was revealed by Jesus to his servants, the prophets John and

Paul. Through the mouth of these two witnesses (Deut 19:15), the when of the gathering of the

saints to their reward was established. There is no confusion. This is exactly the same picture

Jesus presented to his disciples, as recorded in the book of Matthew. Paul presented it to the

church in tribulation in Thessalonica, when he was with them, and to the Corinthian church,

when he revealed the mystery of the new birth at the resurrection of the saints. This last trumpet

is the day of the Lord and our gathering together unto him, thereby saving us from the wrath of

God. The 7th trumpet is also the day of vengeance of our God, when he will tribulate those who

have tribulated us. This is the glorious day of our deliverance from tribulation and the grave.

The Time of the Dead

Revelation 11:18 refers to the time of the dead having now come at the last trump. Which time

of the dead is this? It should be obvious to even the most casual student of the Bible. According

to I Corinthians chapter 15, there remain only two times that the dead will be raised. This is

certainly not the end resurrection after the Millennial reign of Christ at the White Throne

Judgment! It is the resurrection of those in Christ from all ages. The resurrection of those who

looked forward in faith to the coming of Christ, such as Abraham, Moses, David, and those who

looked back in faith, like Stephen, Peter, and Mary. This is the first resurrection, the resurrection

of the just, the better resurrection. This is the resurrection out from among the dead, when the

dead will be raised incorruptible and the living in Christ will be changed. This is when we will

be rewarded for faithful service by the one who raises us from the dead. This will be the

execution of the “mystery of the resurrection out from among the dead and the changing of the

mortal to immortality,” as was declared by the prophets of Jesus Christ (I Cor 15:51, Rev 10:7).

This is the mystery of the new birth, the resurrection of the just, as was revealed and declared

by Paul.

The reference to this particular “mystery of God” presented a great problem to me as a lifelong

dispensational, pre-tribulation secret rapturist. When I considered the truth that this mystery is

executed at the 7th and last trumpet, I had to go back and reinterpret the book of Revelation to fit

what was revealed by Jesus. This was not comfortable to do, as I had over 25 years invested in

my theology. But when I did, the chronology of events fit in a perfectly logical sense and I no

longer had to shut my eyes to the myriad of evidence that does not make any sense at all to pre

and mid-tribulation secret rapturists. After 25 years of reading it, the book of Revelation finally

made sense from beginning to end. The Lord Jesus is faithful to open up new treasures in his

Word each day.

When I say that the book of Revelation finally made sense, I mean that even the geopolitical

spectrum that shapes the destinies of nations also began to unfold. Not only did the Bible begin

to explode from cover to cover unfolding God’s great plan of redemption, but the planned

strategy of the rulers of this world (kosmokrateros) to devolve the world into the New World

Order came alive in the pages of the prophetic records. The planned course of action that was

published under the direction of the Luciferian Illuminatti and their present day atheist globalist

offspring, began to make perfect sense. Their stated goal, to bring the United States and all

nations into a one world government, has been moving relentlessly forward on several fronts.

Fortunately for those who are watching, their plans can be clearly seen in the pages of history and

the scripture. Their fulfillment is inevitable. Jesus said these things must come to pass...but woe

to him that brings the offense.

Some of these topics are part of the subject matter in the 12 hour seminar concerning the book of

Revelation and the coming New World Order: From Here . . . To Eternity. Not lightweight

material, but it should be known by every Christian young person and adult who intends to stand

for Christ in the next few years. Once they pull the rug out from under the monetary house of

cards and the coming economic earthquake ensues, there may be very little opportunity to

educate yourself or prepare.

From Here . . . To Eternity gives a prophetic overview of life on the planet, and in the United

States over the next few years. The seminar exposes the plan that will allow our melding into the

final world government that will dominate the earth, and exactly which of the several planned

options they will end up using, according to the Word and foreknowledge of God. This seminar

is available to Christian groups in the United States and Canada.

The Resurrection has Passed

The tameion rapture is clearly a violation of the warnings of Jesus Christ, as well as every

scripture that concerns Christ's coming for his saints in power and great glory. The secret

rapture of the church is a heresy that has been affectionately accepted in the church for over 150

years. This snare was given its first public hearing in the first century by Philetus and

Hymenaeus; it is still alive and well on planet earth. Some of the Christians were trapped into

thinking that they had already missed the first resurrection. That appears to be the case as Paul

writes to Timothy:

II Timothy 2:17-18, And their word will eat as doth a cancer: of whom is Hymenaeus

and Philetus; Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is

already past; and overthrow the faith of some.

If the believers were mislead into thinking that the resurrection of the saints at the return of

Christ was going to be a secret, silent pre-tribulation rapture, it would be relatively easy to lead

the gullible into thinking that the resurrection has already past, and that they had missed it.


How much easier it will be to mislead disenchanted Christians into thinking that they have been

left behind to endure God’s wrath. They have been primed by the teaching of the pre-tribulation

rapture from birth. When the war that destroys national sovereignty decimates the earth, out of

the ashes of this supposed “Armageddon” will arise “the messiah.”

Very soon things are really going to get rough in America, during the coming economic

earthquake and war. There are millions of Christians who live with the false hope of a tameion

rapture before anything bad goes down in America, and before they need to change their

lifestyle. When the seal that will plunge the world into economic chaos is stripped, revolution

will erupt in the States, martial law will be declared, and your cold dead fingers will be pried

from the trigger if you attempt to maintain your God given rights of self-protection and selfdetermination.

The nuclear war that Russia has been building toward at breakneck speed over the last “peaceful”

decades, will plunge the world into chaos; the global government of the New World Order will

emerge. The United States of America will cease to maintain the facade of the Christian nation

that she once truly was. God will use the Russians to judge a nation that has thumbed her nose at

the Almighty, and now proclaims to all her offspring that there is no God. America will be

smashed by Russia, and Russia will be smashed by God as they attempt to invade Israel.

The New World Order of the “rich men of the world” (James 5) will rise up out of the smoke of

this war, just as the Phoenix bird is pictured rising out of the ashes of the final glorious bloody

revolution in the painting that is directly over the head of the secretary general of the United

Nations. Satan has had this planned to perfection for generations. The plan is carried out by

those who, unlike Jesus, have bowed their knee to Satan in return for the wealth, power, and

glory of this present world. The plan is unwavering as it is carried out under the watchful “all

seeing eye” of the god of this age, Satan. The evil in the heart of man is about to come to its full

fruition in the most violent and bloody turmoil that mankind has ever, and will ever experience.

Hitlers will be punished for being too easy on people. The transgressors will come to full

maturity in this time of the wrath of Satan.

Those expecting the tameion rapture will believe that either Jesus stood them up and is not really

returning, or that the resurrection has already passed and they missed it. Jesus said that the love

of God in many Christians will grow cold. They will hate each other and betray one another to

death (Mat 24:12). These are the prophecies of Christ, and this will be a reality in our lifetime.

Closing our eyes to the warnings of Jesus Christ will not make truth go away. How this hatred

and betrayal could happen becomes apparent, when one considers the working of Satan and the

mystery of iniquity. The stage is set for the strong delusion of the church.


The Thief in the Night

Every one of the accounts that we read concerning the rapture is describing the very same event

in specific detail. They are identical. One of the great mysteries of life still remains to be

answered. Why, when every clear picture in the Bible shows the same coming of Jesus Christ in

all of his glory to gather the church, have we so easily fallen prey to the tameion rapture heresy

and denied everything that Jesus said to the Apostles, as if Jesus did not know about his return

himself? The popularity of this doctrine has been legitimized by an over extrapolation of the

“thief in the night” parable.

In Matthew 24 we have a parable that tells us that Jesus is returning as a thief in the night. What

it communicates is sobering, but simple. If you know when a thief is coming, you will be ready

for him and not allow your home to be plundered. The picture painted in this parable is a man

asleep and drunk, with no idea that something is going to happen that will profoundly disturb his

life. On the other hand, there are those who are aware that the times and the seasons are

changing. They are alert and prepared, so as not to be taken by surprise.

All parables break down, as there are only so many similarities that can be compared from

one situation to another. Only the point intended can be communicated with any amount

of accuracy. What is the point of this parable? Accountability. When our Lord returns, what

are you going to be doing with what he has entrusted to you?

Matthew 24:42-51, Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. 43

But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief

would come, he would have watched, and would not have allowed his house to be

broken up. 44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of

man cometh. 45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler

over his household, to give them meat in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant,

whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. 47 Verily I say unto you, That he

shall make him ruler over all his goods. 48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his

heart, My lord delayeth his coming; 49 And shall begin to smite his fellowservants,

and to eat and drink with the drunken; 50 The lord of that servant shall come in a

day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware, 51 And shall

cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping

and gnashing of teeth.

This parable is scary. Jesus says that he expects us to be living our commitment to him. He is

our Lord, and he has given us a job to do. Faithfulness will be rewarded, slothfulness and

disobedience punished. He tells us to be especially careful how we live, and how we treat our

brothers and sisters in Christ. We are fully accountable to our Lord for how we conduct

ourselves and how we spend our time and money in these final years. Especially those who are

his ministers! Is this the time to start a new 20 year building program? Is your life and ministry

focused on the reality of the times, or are you living with the goals and aspirations of the past?

Are you attempting to hold on to the American dream? Wake up! It’s gone! The priorities of

the last generation should be considerably different from the generations that have gone before


us. The Spirit of God wants you to know where you are today in relationship to the history of

mankind and the plan of God.

Earlier in the 24th chapter of Matthew, Jesus told us of the snares that will catch the Christian

church, and that many will hate one another and betray one another to the death. The tameion

rapture of the church is one of these snares. To teach that this parable of “the thief in the night”

is indicating that life will flow gently down the stream until one day Christians will just

disappear without a trace with everyone else standing there in amazement, is nonsense. First, it

destroys the solemn warning of accountable living that Jesus is making to his people. Secondly,

it contradicts every scripture in the Bible that depicts his coming. This is just one of the fairy tale

lifestyle pictures that has been painted over the eyelids of the sleeping, lukewarm Christian

church in America. Where did we get the picture that no one will know that he has come and

gone? The secret rapture of the church has no grounds in reality, or in scripture. The fertile soil

was found in the minds of those who have milked the cash cow of the prosperity gospel. If it

feels good, it will sell! The secret rapture of the church is the primary foundation stone to the

“strong delusion” of II Thessalonians 2:11.

The strong delusion is the skandalidzo of Satan that will play out differently in the lives of each

deceived Christian. Each person will be taken by their own ignorance of the scriptures. That is

one of the reasons that Satan has worked so feverishly to dumb down the population through

entertainment and the government school system. When one reads the Federalist Papers and

realizes that they were written to explain the constitutional republic to the general population of

the late 1700s, then one can appreciate how dumbed down we have become. In the 1700s,

anyone in America who could be considered at all educated had to have a command of the

Scriptures. Our complacent ignorance has helped set the deadly snare for the mystery of iniquity.

The strong delusion according to the context of II Thessalonians 2 is:

Christ will come at any moment, and certainly before the Wicked one is revealed.

The strong delusion according to the context of Luke 21 is:

His return is imminent, he can return at any moment.

The strong delusion according to the context of Matthew 24 is:

Christ is going to return in secret--before the tribulation to gather his church.

The strong delusion according to the context of II Timothy 2 is:

The resurrection is past. Christ has come and gone, and you have missed it.

The strong delusion according to the context of Matthew 24 is:

Since you have missed the secret rapture, you can go see “Christ” in the temple after the

big war. (Or just stay home and watch him on CNN).


The strong delusion according to the context of Mark 13 and Revelation 13 is:

You don’t need to endure until the end, just say the sinner’s prayer, put the gospel of John

on your shelf, and you are in. Don’t worry about that little micro-chip in your forehead!

The strong delusion according to the context of Dispensationalism is:

None of what Jesus said has anything to do with the church, reeelllaaaxxx. We’ll be outa

here before you know it. Don’t listen to Jesus, he will just confuse you. Listen to me!

I’ll set you free from all of the negative thinking that keeps you from being a full

expression of the self-actualized individual you were created to be. Jesus wants you to be


The strong delusion snare is set. The Christian church is expecting the lie and has closed their

eyes to the truth. You had better start waking people up by shaking them up. The snare is about

to be sprung.

If people feel more at home with a comfortable lie than they do the truth, they will believe the lie

regardless of what the Bible clearly teaches. The Laodicean lifestyle does not go very well with

the 7th trumpet resurrection of the just, but it does fit well with the imminent, thief in the night,

pre-tribulation secret rapture delusion. The last trumpet gathering of the saints in the book of

Revelation makes perfect sense. It teaches us to strip down to fighting weight and prepare for the

deadly battle ahead. It constrains us to give our all for our Lord now, realizing we will be judged

and rewarded by what we have laid up in the Kingdom of God, and not by the junk that we

accumulate and cannot take with us. Your death is a more imminent reality than the return of

Jesus Christ. We should live like we don’t have next year. We probably won’t.

The delusion of the pre-tribulation rapture of the church allows us to live for the present time in

relative comfort, if we have the things in life that can make us comfortable. We can live in

denial of the trials that are part of dying Christians all over the world today, and deny that we will

be required to make the same sacrifices in the upcoming great tribulation. The imminent return

of Jesus theology has lulled the church of the last days to sleep, just as Jesus prophesied. Perhaps

American Christians would have more cautiously guarded their nation from an internal atheist

socialist takeover if they thought their children were going to have to live with the result of their

sin, waste, and the ultimate judgment of God on this nation. Yes, it would be nice to get out of

here before the piper has to be paid, but it won’t happen. Jesus is longsuffering, waiting for the

latter rain and harvest. He needs us in there to do the work of the ministry until the last trump

sounds. If you think you are getting out of here before then, you are deluded by your own

overinflated self-worth. Of the twelve apostles, only John was spared a martyr’s death, and he

was boiled in oil! War is hell. Yet, there are those who don’t even put on the armor and engage

in the fight.


The Day of the Lord

In I Thessalonians we see this day of the Lord referred to as coming as a thief in the night:

1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with

the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise

first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the

clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 5:1 But of the

times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you,

Times and the seasons is a figure of speech that is in use in nearly every culture and language of

the world. It indicates the events that play across the stage of history, and the manifold changes

that a careful observer sees in the natural world before the season changes. Life, after all, does

not happen in a vacuum. Life is cause and effect, sowing and reaping.

5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the

night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon

them, (as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.) But ye, brethren,

are not in darkness, that, that day should overtake you as a thief.

The world will be crying out for peace at any price. Their personal safety will be more important

than freedom of conscience or individual sovereignty before our Creator. In the aftermath of the

coming desolation, all of mankind will be crying out for peace; for safety. But their destruction

from the hand of God will come forth as surely as a child will be born of a woman struggling in

labor. There will be no turning back. Jesus is coming back in vengeance against those who have

denied God and destroyed his people. Their destruction will come upon them as a thief,

completely unaware. But we are not in darkness; we are not unaware of the signs of the times.

We have the light of God’s Word that tells us what must come to pass. We will not falter, but

endure till the end.

That day of our deliverance is coming, when we will be caught up, raptured. The times and

seasons are obvious to the careful observer. We see the day approaching. What day? What is

the context? The day of the Lord. The day that the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with

a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God. The dead in Christ shall rise

first. The same day of the Lord spoken of in the Old Testament. That day will be fulfilled by

the Lord, Jesus Christ. That day to which we are not to be in darkness. That day that shall

not overtake us as a thief. We have been given the specific parameters of what it will look like

and when it will take place, so that we will not be deceived. It will be on the day that he saves

us from the grave and calls us home. It is the day of victory for the Lord Jesus Christ, when he

raises the dead, and gives the mortal a new, spiritual body, just before he pours out his wrath.

The Day of the Lord is his finest hour.


It is dishonest to present the Day of the Lord as having nothing to do with the gathering together

of the saints of God, because it is just that. But for those left behind it is a different kind of day.

It is the day that he takes vengeance on God rejecters and infidels. It is the day the “thief” takes

the recalcitrant by surprise and breaks up their house. It is the day that he pours out the wrath

and fury of Almighty God.

5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor

of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep as do others; but let us watch and be sober…

Many are proclaiming, “Relax, there is nothing to be concerned about,” as the world marches

straight into a Godless totalitarian one world government. “Jesus is coming back any second

now!” No! We are not to be intoxicated by the promises of peace and safety from Moscow, the

Oval office, or the pulpit.

7For they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.

But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love

<protect your heart>; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation <protect your mind and

thoughts, keep clear on your priorities>. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but

to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.

We will not be subject to the wrath of God as it is poured out on the earth. We will be saved

from the wrath to come. When will we obtain this salvation? IN THAT DAY.

The day the tribulated saints will be relieved from the strain and pain of tribulation.

The day the Lord Jesus Christ comes to rescue us.

The day the Captain of our salvation returns to gather his elect, as he promised his disciples.

The day he comes again to receive us unto himself; that where he is, we may be also.

The day he comes to take us to the Father.

The day of his appearing; his coming; his revealing.

The day the unrepentant of Israel will look on him whom they have pierced.

The day all the tribes of the earth will mourn.

The day every eye will see him, and many will realize it is too late.

The day he returns in like manner as you have seen him go up into heaven.

The day the angel of the Almighty will make a great blast with the last trumpet of God.

The day the angel shouts and the dead are raised incorruptible.


The day the alive in Christ will be changed and caught up together to meet the Lord in the air.

The day he cuts us loose from the bands of the Wicked one.

The day he comes to be glorified in his saints.

The day he takes vengeance on those who do not obey him as their Lord.

The day he sends forth his angels to gather the elect from the four winds of heaven.

The Day of the Lord!

I Thessalonians 1:10, And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the

dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.

Even though I would prefer to go to heaven much earlier than when Jesus says he is returning, we

must patiently wait and endure, just as our fallen brothers and sisters in Christ did in

Thessalonica, in Rome, in Persia, in Medieval Europe, in the German death camps, in the Soviet

Gulags, in communist China, in Cuba, in Ethiopia, and in America. But glory be to God, we will

be delivered before the seven bowls of God's wrath are poured out. We will be received up into

glory at the last trump. We are going to be delivered from the wrath of God, which has been

promised for thousands of years. We will not endure his wrath, but the wrath of man and Satan

will continue to be a part of our lives until the end of the age. That is just the way life is. It is

written, “They that live Godly in Christ Jesus, will suffer persecution.”

Before the righteous judgment of God can be poured upon the earth’s inhabitants, the world must

fully set themselves against the Lord and against his people. Before the entire planet is given

blood to drink, they must be worthy of such wrath, because they have poured out the blood of the

saints (Rev 16:4-7). The world is, and must, polarize to the extremes. As the feast of unleavened

bread reminds us, there is no room for compromise. We must aggressively obey our Lord and

seek ways to separate ourselves from the entanglements of this world, while at the same time

increasing our ability and intensity of reaching into the world to save that which is lost.

Romans 2:5, But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath

against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God.

The day of wrath is the day of vengeance of our God. This is the only reason that the prepared

church will be removed from the earth. They will not be subjected to the wrath of God, only the

judgment seat of Christ. The wrath of God has been promised as righteous retribution against the

godless. The wrath of God revealed against Sodom and Gomorrah are pictures of the coming

wrath of God. The angels sent to remove Lot and his family is a type, or prophetic picture, of the

angels being sent to raise the dead and gather the saints to meet Christ in the air (Luke 17:28-30).

We will be taken to the judgment seat of Jesus Christ and the marriage supper of the Lamb, while

on earth the fury and wrath of God will be poured out on those who have tortured his saints.


That day is our victory celebration. The day of his coming will be our day of redemption, and

our day of perfection.

Romans 2:16, In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ.

I Corinthians 1:8, Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in

the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I Corinthians 5:5, To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that

the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

Ephesians 4:30, And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the

day of redemption.

Philippians 1:6, Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good

work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Philippians 2:16, Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ,

that I have not run in vain, neither labored in vain.

The Day of the Lord “Redefined”

In order to teach the pre or mid-tribulation rapture, one must redefine The Day of the Lord as: A

period of time in which the Lord does the judging, in the future. This redefinition attempts to

separate the day of the Lord pouring out his wrath, from the day of the Lord gathering the church.

While it is true that the day of the Lord can, and at times does refer to a period of time in which

the Lord judges, it definitely points to the Day that it all begins. It is the Day of monumental

significance that ends the age of God's goodness and longsuffering, and begins the Day of God’s

vengeance and wrath. As we have seen in the previous six verses, the Day of the Lord, The Day

of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Day of Redemption, and the Day of Jesus Christ, are all used

synonymously. They are very clear in their meaning. They refer to the day that the righteous are

gathered and the day of his wrath begins. It is the same day.

Great pains have to be taken by pre and mid-tribulation rapturists to keep us as far as possible

from the last trumpet resurrection and the ensuing bowls of God’s wrath. Those espousing an

early secret rapture avoid the “last trumpet” record in the book of Revelation. It clearly exposes

their “added” unauthorized resurrections, and “taking away” the church earlier in a secret rapture.

But I can sympathize with them. I did the same thing for many years myself. I have children and

would like all of us to go sooner too! But that is not my call, it is God’s.

The day of the Lord is when the Lord moves and shakes the foundations of the earth, and he will

bring to pass a “very strange act” on the day that the Lord returns to gather his saints. That day

will be the day of vengeance of our God, the end of God’s longsuffering, and the

commencement of his wrath. It is the day the Lord Jesus Christ does the judging. It is not an

indistinct “period of time in the future.” It is the distinct day that he delivers his people from


the hands of the enemy and takes vengeance on those who tribulated the saints of God, and it is

coming soon. While the wrath of God is being poured out upon the earth, we will be standing

before the judgment throne of Jesus Christ giving an account of what we were entrusted in this


II Corinthians 5:10-11, For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that

every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done,

whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men.

This warning is a little disconcerting isn’t it? I know it is for me. But...“work out your own

salvation with fear and trembling.” We are individually accountable before our Lord. We should

all be a little more humble and disconcerted.

Jesus warned that false Christs were going to proclaim that Jesus has returned and you need to go

out to him. Jesus said, do not go, when I return I will send my angels to gather you together.

You will not miss me because I will get you! He then said that false prophets (which refers to

false teaching by otherwise respectable ministers within the church) are going to teach that he is

returning to gather the church in secret and will not be seen. He said do not believe them. As

the lightning splits the sky from east to west, that is how obvious it will be when he returns.

Every eye will see him.

Dispensationalism and the Secret Pre-tribulation Rapture

Would you care to consider the logic that Jesus was only talking to Israel in general, and that

nothing in this section of Matthew 24 concerns the church? This is the most common device that

is used to assign anything that Jesus said to another group. To Israel, in this case. Many consider

this concept a criminal devise that has been used to disregard everything that Jesus taught the

apostles, who he chose and trained to lead the New Testament church. One can literally scrap

everything that Jesus said by using that same logic. It provides the perfect excuse to license

everything from Adultery to the Zecret Rapture.

Let's consider for a moment that Jesus is not really answering his disciples, who would be

recording this for the church. (The church that they would be responsible to shepherd in just a

few weeks). Jesus would then be telling Israel not to listen to the false prophets who teach that

Jesus is coming back in secret, after he would have already come back in secret for his church!

That is nonsense. No one is supposed to listen to the prophets that teach this false doctrine.

Some find it difficult to believe that Jesus’ disciples would have asked him about the signs of his

promised return for them, and that Jesus would have told them all these things, but “forgot” to

tell them that none of this pertains to them. As strained as this dispensational explanation is, in

an attempt to disregard Jesus’ clear teaching on his return after the tribulation, pre-tribulation

rapturists have abandoned the rules of context and common sense, in favor of isolating a few

numbered sentences and overextrapolating parables for the sake of personal mental comfort.

These dispensational inventions have been used for over 150 years, and have become the

accepted methodology of a number of theological institutions. It is primarily used to support the

teaching of what Jesus Christ condemned. Without this dispensational invention, there is no way

to contrive a pre or mid-tribulation rapture. This is the best “peace and safety” device that can be

manufactured. The new age dispensationalists have succeeded in convincing most churches that

Jesus did not know to whom he was speaking on the Mount of Olives, and that he will in fact go

against everything he said and take us out of here before the tribulation of those days. Some may

think that I am beating a dead horse, but few realize that the entire pre and mid-tribulation

rapture is built on this dead horse!

What began as an honest attempt to explain certain uncomfortable scriptures in the early 1800s,

dispensationalism has become a most clever instrument in the arsenal of the mystery of iniquity.

A very flexible use of dispensationalism has been applied by mid-tribulation rapturists to pick

and choose what does and does not apply to the church in Matthew chapter 24. This flexibility

allows any number of interpretational schemes, and rules out none. It leaves us without any

concrete guide as to whom Jesus is speaking at any particular moment. It can get real crazy.

Either Jesus is speaking to his disciples or he is not. No selective applications or secret raptures


between verses is allowed. We can not make up the story as we go to fit our lifestyle or theology.

We cannot extrapolate meanings out of the associated parables that deny the clear events

indicated in the context. Parables must be interpreted tightly and conservatively in regards to

the context. It is better to underinterpret than to overapply. Isolating parables from their context

to formulate doctrinal conclusions leads to extensive error.

Dispensationalism assumes a pre-tribulation rapture and therefore isolates numbered sentences,

individual words, or parables, in an attempt to prove the preconceived assumption. Many

reasonable theological arguments can be marshaled to prove such a theory. If one disregards the

absolute legal prerequisites that exist in the plain text of scripture, one can argue against the

words of Jesus and the prophets from now until the gathering together after the tribulation, but no

one is getting out of here before the last trumpet.

Another covert and dangerous side effect of dispensationalism that has misled many Christians,

is the instruction that portions of the Bible were not “addressed to them” and have no relevance

to their lives. This danger is especially acute in the Gospels, where the standard of our obedience

to the Lord Jesus is established. The Gospels show us the context from which all of the Apostles

lived and moved in their ministry through the remainder of the first century. The parables that

were spoken to Israel without explanation were addressed “to Israel.” They did not

understand them, nor were they supposed to understand them. The explanations of these

parables were addressed to the followers of Jesus Christ. We understand them. We are

supposed to understand and live them.

Jesus’ life was our example, not our substitute. His death was our substitute. It is true that

Jesus was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and only, very reluctantly, ministered

to anyone outside that fold. However, he was on a specific mission from God. That mission, for

the time being, required him to focus on the heavy burden of paying for the sins of the world.

Jesus also had to establish a corps of disciples who would eventually follow him to a martyr’s


Of his disciples, he chose twelve Apostles to lead the New Covenant church after his ascension.

Those twelve, and perhaps several more disciples, had just heard Jesus foretell the destruction of

their civilization (Mat 24:2). Their hearts were very heavy and they were looking for a light at

the end of the tunnel. They asked Jesus when he is going to return to get them, and what it will

look like. Jesus then takes the leaders of the first century church, and subsequent generations of

followers, down a very dark tunnel. Not to scare them, but to let them know that this long war

against God was going to get mighty nasty. Jesus encourages us to hang tough and do what he

called us to do, no matter how desperate things get. He is patient to wait for the latter rain

(James 5:7), but there will come a time that he says, “Enough is enough.” He will then rescue his

elect (II Thes 1:6,7). That day will end the age of God's longsuffering (Rom 2:3-11). That day of

the Lord will begin the day of vengeance of our God (II Thes 1:7,8; Isaiah 61:2).


Plan “A” and Plan “B”

There are those who teach that Jesus came to Israel with a plan A, and a plan B. The theological

term for this concept is dispensationalism. In a nutshell, dispensationalism has been explained in

a plan A, plan B scenario, and can be understood very well as such.

Plan A: Jesus was to come to Israel, have Israel accept him as the Messiah, and live

happily ever after.

Plan B: If they did not accept him, he was then to be beaten, crucified, and die; thereby

paying for the sins of the whole world, so that whosoever believeth on him, could have

everlasting life.

Lets look at plan A for a moment.

Matthew 15:24, Jesus said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

That is true. But how did he relate to the house of Israel?

Matthew 13:34, All these things spoke Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and he did

not speak to them unless he spoke in parables.

Matthew 13:10-13, And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why do you speak to

them in parables? He answered, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of

the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. Therefore I speak to them in

parables: because seeing, they see not; and hearing, hear not, neither do they understand

the things that I say unto them.

Jesus deliberately hid his identity from the multitudes, while at the same time fulfilling the

prophecies concerning the Messiah’s coming. Yet when some would make him known, he

rebuked them and told them to keep quiet concerning his identity.

Luke 4:34-35, The man with a devil spirit cried out saying, Leave us alone; I know thee

who thou art; the Holy One of God. Jesus rebuked him, saying, Shut up, and come out

of him. And when the devil had thrown him down, he came out of him, and no longer

hurt him... 41 And devils came out of many, crying out, and saying, Thou art Christ the Son

of God. And he rebuked them and did not allow them to speak: for they knew that he

was Christ.

Jesus fulfilled the prophecies that would prove his being the Messiah, yet he spoke very

cryptically about his mission. He did not come to be anointed as King. Not yet.


Matthew 11:2, Now when John (in prison) had heard of the works of Christ, he sent two

of his disciples, 3 And said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for

another? 4 Jesus answered, Go and shew John those things which you hear and see: 5

The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf

hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. 6 And blessed

is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.

Did Jesus answer their question? Yes, and no. John had to put 2 and 2 together to get an answer.

Jesus did not openly disclose his identity, but he made the equation simple enough. Three days

before his crucifixion, Jesus asked his disciples:

Matthew 16:13, ...Whom do men say that I am? And they said, Some say John the

Baptist: some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. Then he said, But

whom say ye that I am? And Peter answered, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the

living God. And Jesus answered him, Blessed art thou, Peter: for flesh and blood hath

not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. Then he charged his

disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ. From that time

forth Jesus began to show unto his disciples, how he must go unto Jerusalem, and

suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be

raised again the third day.

Right to the end, he kept his true identity and mission covert. If Satan had comprehended what

Christ’s death would accomplish, he would never have crucified him (I Cor 2:7,8). That is the

reason the Old Testament prophecies, and often the words of Jesus himself, were so “cryptic.”

Satan is well read. Some things needed to be hidden from him. But God can still open the

windows of spiritual understanding to his people, just as he did for Peter. After the resurrection,

Jesus met two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus, and engaged them in conversation.

Luke 24:19-21, And they said, Jesus of Nazareth was a prophet, mighty in deed and word

before God and all the people: But the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be

condemned to death, and have crucified him. But we trusted that he should have been

the one to redeem Israel25Then Jesus said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to

believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these

things, and to enter into his glory? And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he

expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

He did redeem Israel; not by “plan A” as they expected, but by “plan B,” which was God's only

plan. Jesus knew it. Moses and all of the prophets knew it and testified concerning his suffering.

Jesus died fulfilling Isaac’s question, “Where is the Lamb?” Abraham’s prophecy, “God shall

provide himself a lamb!,” and John the Baptist’s proclamation, “Behold the Lamb of God which

takes away the sin of the world!” (Genesis 22:7,8 and John 1:29,36). Long before his

crucifixion, Jesus confided to Nicodemus:

John 3:14-16, As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so the Son of

man must be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have


eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that

whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Jesus’ death paid the price for man’s redemption in full, and opened the door to all nations

immediately; that whosoever will, may come.

Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus said, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go

ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the

Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things I have commanded

you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age. (Amen)

Thus, when Jesus spoke to his disciples in the gospels generally, and in answering their questions

concerning his return for them specifically, he was not speaking in vague uninterpreted parables,

as he did to Israel. It was not given to Israel to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but it

was given to his disciples to know. He did not reveal the plan of redemption to Israel, but he did,

in part, to his disciples. He will also fulfill his promises to his disciples concerning his coming

again to gather them together and reward their faithful service.

The Mystery of the Church

The church is one body throughout all time. When the church is raised at the last trump, the

entire church, Old Testament saints and New Testament Saints, will be raised to enjoy the reward

of their faithfulness. Together they will partake in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven,

and the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus the Messiah, according as their reward provides. Before

Jesus made both Israel and Gentile one, Gentiles were never heirs of that promise.

Some dispensationalists, in their attempt to justify a pre-tribulation tameion rapture, teach that

the Gospels are addressed to Israel, the Bride of Christ, and that the church Epistles are addressed

and applicable to a distinctly separate group, the Body of Christ. Beside the point that these

“bride and body” references are both figures of speech, how many times do you think Israel is

referred to as the bride, or wife of Christ in the Gospels? ZERO. How many times is the church

in the Epistles referred to as the bride or wife of Christ? Twice. Clearly and specifically in

Romans 7:4, and in Ephesians 5:25, which finds its fulfillment in Revelation 19:7.

In the Epistles, the church is referred to figuratively as the bride, body, soldiers, farmers,

wrestlers, fist fighters, and runners. Dividing the Church by using the figures of the bride and

body, negates the work of Jesus Christ in establishing the New Covenant. The great mystery

revealed to the Apostle Paul was that the Gentiles, who were outside of the promises to Israel,

would be brought together with them through the blood of Christ, and that the two unrelated

parties would become one singular body. The promises that were made to Israel became

available for all to acquire in Christ.

Ephesians 2:12-20, You [Gentiles] were without Christ, being alien to the wealth that

was common to all of Israel. You were strangers from the covenants of promise, having

no hope, and without God in the world: But now in Christ Jesus you who were far off, are


made near by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who has made the two (both

Israel and the Gentiles) one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between

the two; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, to make in himself one new man, out of

two, so making peace; And reconciling both unto God in one body by the cross. For

through Christ we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Now you are no more

strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints (of Israel), and of the

household of God; And you are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,

Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.

Ephesians 3:3, By revelation [God] made known unto me the good news of the mystery;

Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto

his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and

of the same body, and partakers of God's promise in Christ.

Rather than recognizing the one body of Israel and the Gentiles that Jesus brought together in his

blood and accepting our responsibility to him as our Lord, we have these dispensational devices

that were introduced into the church, and have put many to sleep. Now when I chide

dispensationalism, I am not attempting to put everyone in the same box and burn it. I realize that

there are no two people considering themselves dispensationalists, taking the same path of

interpretation. If some of the dispensational views I present appear extreme, I agree. But if

dispensationalism is the truth, it will be truth when followed to the extreme. Extreme

dispensationalists are at least honest with their concept. I am not painting everyone with the

same brush, nor do I desire to pigeonhole anyone. Likewise do not pigeonhole and attach a label

to yourself that you would be better off without. There are many good teachings that come out of

a dispensational viewpoint; this is not one of them. As with any “truth” it can be slightly twisted,

extrapolated upon, and end as a lie. That is what Satan did with Eve in Eden; that is what Satan

has done with the rapture in churches. In both cases, man was warned of the deception well in


Many extreme dispensationalists have instructed that Jesus was never speaking to us when he

made his demands for commitment and obedience. Some consider Jesus unenlightened,

compared to us, because “he did not know the mystery.” Nor did he really understand what he

was talking about when he spoke of “the coming of the gift of holy spirit.” They tell us that he

never addressed any of his teachings to the twelve apostles, as the soon to be leaders of the

Christian church. We are told that he only addressed them as “Israel, the bride,” and that all of

his teachings are being held in abeyance because Israel did not accept him as their Messiah.

Therefore, everything that Jesus said concerning his coming to gather the saints as meticulously

detailed in Matthew chapter 24, is for someone else. Even though it matches every detail of his

coming, as indicated throughout the Epistles and the book of Revelation. Jesus words must be

discounted, because they put several critical stakes through the heart of the pre and midtribulation

rapture. In fact, he flatly told us that these teachings will come from the mouth of

false prophets.

I further assert that this extreme dispensational fabrication is even more dangerous, considering

that one cannot make Jesus Lord if they are able to disregard everything or anything that

he says, at their discretion. Our salvation is established on our confessing Jesus as Lord, not


by accepting Jesus as Savior. That puts many people on very shaky ground. Being savior is

what Jesus is, and does. He needs no acceptance. Making Jesus Lord is what we must do, so he

can save us! I consider dispensationalism very dangerous on this ground alone.

Romans 10:9, That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt

believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved


The four words: “Thou shalt be saved” are the future tense of the one word: σοζωθεν

(sodzothen), which translates: Thou shalt, in the future, be saved. It is a future occurrence that

we anticipate, when the captain of our salvation saves us. Many scriptures point to this future

time when we will obtain the hope of our salvation. Once we are saved (at the coming of our

Lord Jesus Christ), we will be forever saved. On the day that we are raised from the grave, we

will be “born again” with an incorruptible new body, and the living mortal will put on a new

immortal body. At the execution of this mystery of the new birth, we are biblically “saved.”

Those are the primary (but not only) usages of the words “saved” and “born again,” in the Bible.

The church has used the words very loosely. The most important thing for us to recognize here,

is that we must make Jesus Lord in our lives. “Accepting Jesus as Savior” while maintaining the

lordship over your own life will not get you anywhere. If you are happy being your own lord,

perhaps you can save yourself while you are at it. That way you can be your own lord and


To Whom Addressed

Why do dispensationalists go through such contortions to get Matthew chapter 24 and 25

addressed to Israel? Because it clearly shows that the church will not be gathered until after the

time of great tribulation that is instigated at the abomination of desolation, when the unspoken

terror of Satan's fury brings mankind to the eve of destruction. Dispensationalists attempt to sell

the idea that these scriptures are the picture of Jesus returning to the earth at the Battle of

Armageddon. This is a rather bizarre idea, but the only fabrication that allows them to dismiss

the entire section and continue to teach the tameion pre-tribulation rapture of the church. When

Jesus condemns the tameion rapture, dispensationalists either completely avoid his warning, or

relegate this warning to insignificant prattling with no relevance to anyone. We may not entirely

like the picture painted here, but I doubt that the disciples liked the picture Jesus painted of the

temple being destroyed and the nation of Israel ravaged.

Matthew 24:1, Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to

show him the buildings of the temple. 2 And Jesus said unto them, See all these things?

verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be

thrown down.


There was silence from the disciples for about a Sabbath’s day journey, until they were up on the

Mount of Olives. Jesus had just told them that their entire lifestyle was to be violently

interrupted. The temple was central to the Jewish culture. Jesus told them that their world was

about to be reduced to a pile of smoking rubble and the fabric of their society torn to shreds. Do

you think that may have had an impact on those disciples with families? Israel worshipped their

nation, lifestyle, and traditions more than they worshipped God. Jesus said that it's over, your

nation is finished. This was a very heavy revelation. It sobered them. When it happened, over

one million people were slaughtered in the streets under the sword of the Roman legions.

Accepting the truth of the future desolation of their nation, they then asked him about his

promised return for them. Jesus answered his disciples’ questions concerning the when and

what of his return for them, in fulfillment of his earlier promises to do so. To whom is he

addressing his answer? To Israel, who he had just left in the temple, having cursed their leaders,

temple and nation? No! He is addressing his disciplined followers, who will lead the New

Testament church in a few short weeks. He is addressing those who he had chosen and trained to

leave behind. He is addressing those who will be required to give their life’s blood as a witness

to the world. He is addressing those who will pen these words of truth for future generations of

followers, who will believe through their testimony. If you are a follower of the Lord Jesus,

this is addressed to you!

Oikonomia: Administrations

Dispensationalism has been very flimsily supported by a redefinition of the Greek word:

οικονομια (oikonomia), which was translated dispensation four times, and stewardship thrice, in

the King James Version. The following was adapted from Strong’s Concordance:

Oikonomia is translated as dispensation 4 times and stewardship 3 times, totaling 7 usages in the

KJV. Usages depict: The management of a household or of household affairs. Specifically, (a)

the management, oversight, and administration of other’s property; (b) denoting a steward’s

responsibility and accountability to his master for the wise use of his goods; (c) the office of a

manager or overseer, stewardship; and (d) dispensation.

The foundation of the word oikonomia is stewardship, a bond slave’s responsibility and

accountability to his master. The redefinition has portrayed little “oikonomias” or “houses in

time” into which one can divide the commandments of God. While some of these considerations

are legitimate, they cannot be blanketed by oikonomias. Consider these “dispensation” verses,

with “stewardship responsibility” properly supplied:

I Corinthians 9:17-19, If I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but I have no reward

if I preach the Gospel against my will. A stewardship responsibility of the gospel is

entrusted to me. What is my reward then? When I preach the gospel, I make the gospel

of Christ available without charging money, so that I do not abuse that which has been

entrusted to me. For though I myself am free, I have made myself a servant <δουλοσ>

unto all, that I might gain my reward. (MIV)


This is not referring to a dispensation of time or an administration of time, such as the “age of

grace” being committed entirely to Paul. It was his individual responsibility as a steward (a bond

slave to his master), to carry out what his Lord had committed to him. We each have our own

stewardship responsibility. No one can do the job you were called to do, and you cannot do what

Paul was called to do. There are two other important points to consider here: (1) Making Jesus

your Lord and making yourself his doulos, or bondslave, is a free will choice, and (2) the gospel

is taught without charge. It is up to the hearers to support the ministry by their free will sacrifice

so that others can hear, or the minister needs to keep making tents.

Ephesians 3:2, You have heard of my responsibility as steward of the grace of God,

which was given to me, for you...

Paul’s responsibility included getting the word out to others. His individual calling was to

communicate the grace of God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Others have been called to

communicate other parts of the gospel, to other lands and people. Even today, not everyone has

the same gift or calling. It is healthy to eat off the plate of many ministers, spit out the bones,

and chew the meat well before swallowing.

Return to Sender…

Both of these scriptures denote Paul’s responsibility to God concerning the Gospel that was

committed to him, not a dispensation of time. Further complicating our stewardship

responsibilities, some dispensationalists have renamed dispensations as: Administrations. They

like to picture these administrations as individual houses positioned in time, each with its own

particular administrative directives. Each house has a different address, and its own place in

time. Hence, when you find uncomfortable requirements from God the Father or the Lord Jesus

Christ, you can simply address it to someone else. You just stamp on the envelope of the

gospels: “Please forward to the nearest Jew.” That way they have to live with the responsibility

and accountability to the Lord, not you! It is ingenious, but disingenuous.

Obviously there are things that are spoken to individuals or groups which cannot be construed to

relate directly to us. In that light, dispensation makes sense, but it is never a mindless blanket

that covers the whole bed. There are many things that are spoken to one group which cannot be

universally applied to another group. That fact is true in the church Epistles as well as in the

book of Genesis. The called out, or church, has taken on a new dimension since Pentecost.

Those who looked forward to the coming Messiah, and those who look back at the Messiah who

came, are both “in Christ.” He will raise them together at the first resurrection, on the day of the

Lord Jesus Christ. The faithful in Israel anticipated the resurrection. Moses and David will share

in the honor of reigning with Jesus in his millennial kingdom. By grace, we Gentiles will share

in the same victory. God’s “called out” spans time, nations, and dispensations. He will gather

his elect from all ages, at the last trump resurrection of the just.


There is now no difference between Israel and Gentile. We are all one in Jesus Christ. The

words of Jesus to his followers are as pertinent to us as they were to his twelve Apostles. To

propound that the words of Christ to his disciples can be dismissed under the guise of

dispensationalism, or “convenient avoidance,” is not only dishonest, but will be indefensible

before the throne of God on judgment day.

Jesus knew why he was here the first time, and he knows that he is coming again to receive his

followers unto himself that where he is, they may be also. In Matthew 24, Jesus is answering the

specific question of when he is going to return to gather his disciples together and reward them,

and what it will look like. Anyone attempting to mislead you by saying that Jesus does not know

to whom or what he is talking about, has succumbed to a doctrine of false prophets in the church.

I too had not only believed this heresy, I taught it. I have repented because the Lord has given me

the space to turn to him, and away from my sin of mishandling the scriptures. Parroting the

teachings of childhood is not the way a minister is to conduct himself. A minister of the Lord

must first look to his Master and then teach the truth, even if it means being ostracized by his

particular denomination. Unless we repent now, we will stand in judgment before the throne.

Ministers of the Lord Jesus Christ will answer to him, for being part of the strong deception of

the mystery of iniquity that will rip at the seams of the Christian church in the months ahead.

Bear in mind that these scriptures were addressed primarily to those who would live at the

end of the age and see the deception as part of their own “Christian heritage.” It is past the time

for this last generation to wake up and smell the fire.


Chapter Six

The Strong Delusion is Imminent

The more pumped up the church becomes in its expectation of the imminent return of Christ, the

greater will be the shock and disappointment when the pleasantries of American life are reduced

to daily survival. The imminency of Christ's return has been poetically extolled by the secret

rapturists as the “breath by breath motivation that has served the Christian church for centuries.”

However, many ministers of today are blaming this false hope as the primary drug that has dulled

the heart of action, the emotions of intensity, and the mind of sound reason.

Tim LaHaye is one of a million fine Christian ministers who have been led down the path of pretribulationism

since childhood. I use this example from Dr. LaHaye’s book because no one

would doubt his sincerity or desire to help people. He and his wife are tireless soldiers for the

Lord, but he has swallowed the hook of dispensational theology and took the whole line and

sinker of the pre-tribulation rapture with it. That, however, is the church pew that he and I were

raised in. He stated:

Down through the centuries Christians have lived... with an expectation the next breath,

the next blink of an eye,

the next tick of the clock,

the next rustle of the leaves,

the next sigh,

The Lord Jesus Christ could descend from heaven with a shout and call them home.

Wait just a moment! Stop the world. Look at your own life, and the lives of your most dedicated

Christian friends. Do you know anyone on the planet that lives with this intense, moment by

moment, imminency driven expectation? No, no one does. But it sounds very poetic, doesn't it?

You can only pull people's legs with this circumlocution so many times before it wears thin.

Ministers recognize it as a reliable, if not timeworn ending to an otherwise lackluster sermon.

Congregants recognize it as an ineffective and overused attempt to motivate them.

Imminency theology causes serious Bible students to play redefinitional pogo stick with isolated

sentences in Thessalonians, in order to get us out of here before the abomination of desolation.

As we have clearly seen, Jesus Christ indicated that the abomination of desolation will initiate

the Great Tribulation, and that he will return after that takes place. I cannot say, as so many

others do, “maybe he didn't know what he was talking about,” or “he didn’t realize to whom he

was speaking” when he answered John and Peter's question about when he would return to take

them to where Jesus said he was going to prepare a place for them.


Believers living a Christian life have the hope of the return of Christ, the resurrection out from

among the dead, and eternal rewards to motivate them and provide focus for their endeavors.

Our love for God and desire to please our Lord encourages us to labor for him out of love and to

store our treasure in heaven, rather than to build temporal fortunes. Jesus never told us that he

could return at any moment, and the Apostles never lived with this false concept. In any

generation, Christians could have interpreted the signs of the times to believe that it could happen

in their life time. Most of the history of the Christian church has seen their blood spilled for the

witness of Jesus. Every generation has seen great tribulation (when you are the one being

tortured, the “tribulation” doesn’t get any “greater”). However, Satan has not been cast down

from the throne room of God, and the destroyer has not been revealed. Therefore, we know

without any hesitation that we are at least a few bloody and violent years from the return of our

Lord. What are we going to do with those years? Live for him? Or live to build an estate that

will be ultimately burned.

When John Huss was burning at the stake for his resolute stand on the Word of God, he was not

feverishly scanning the horizon for Christ's return at the next “blink of an eye.” He sang hymns

of praise to the Captain of his salvation, who would raise his cindered body from the grave at his

future return.

Matthew had the promises of the Lord deeply etched in his mind as the King of Ethiopia staked

his hands and feet to the ground. As the axeman poised his gleaming blade over Matthew’s neck,

his expectation was not that in the next breath Jesus would return. He imminently expected to

die as he shouted, “Father forgive them fo............” Matthew lost consciousness as the blood

drained from his severed head. In his expectation lived the resurrection of the just, at the last

trumpet. Matthew had penned the words of his Lord, detailing the greatest tribulation that the

world would ever see. He described the darkened atmosphere that would prevail before Jesus

would return in all of his glory, just as the descriptions had come from Christ’s lips. Matthew

had no false hope. He lived with a sense of reality that drove him, as a faithful witness, to a

martyr’s death. Matthew gave his all during the early rain. The latter rain is yet to come…

More and more ministers are awaking to the realization that the false hope of the imminent return

of Christ has put their church to sleep. Their opiated congregations have closed their eyes to the

world, hoping that it will all be over before they experience any of the hardship that is part of the

daily routine of their foreign brethren. They have a false hope that Jesus is legally bound to

appear before the time when man’s and Satan’s wrath are escalated to the point of

predominance over a fallen world. The lie of the imminent return of Christ has put people to

sleep, and now we are being told that the lie is good for us. We might have expected as much.

The mystery of iniquity is already at work, just as Jesus foretold.

II Thessalonians 2:2, Do not be shaken up or troubled, thinking that the day of the

Lord is imminent. 3Let no man deceive you by any means; Because that day shall

not come, except first there come the rebellious stand, and the man of sin is revealed,

the son of destruction 4who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called by God, or

is venerated; so that he, as God, sits in the temple of God, proclaiming that he is God.


Jesus will not return to gather his saints until after the abomination of desolation takes place.

Period. It doesn’t matter how much you wrestle the scriptures, things are going to get extremely

rough and you had better come to grips with the fact that if Jesus is your Lord; the resurrection

is reality. You had better not be loving this life more than you love the Lord Jesus Christ. You

can wrestle isolated scriptures to say nearly anything that you want. However, there will be no

resurrection of the church and no gathering together before the last trumpet in the book of

Revelation. You cannot take away the Church before the last trump and you cannot add

resurrections at will to the book of Revelation. There are very stiff penalties for this kind of

activity, and I don't feel comfortable with ignorance as a defense.

Revelation 22:18,...If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the

plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of

the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life...

There are only two resurrections to come. The first one will be at the last trump, the last one at

the final judgment. That is it! When they happen, neither will be a secret. Every eye will see

him and all those on the earth who have not made him their Lord will be in shock and sorrow. If

every knee shall bow, why not now?

Living in the Comfort Zone

Earlier in the book we studied the Skandalidzo, the snares that are set to capture the prey in its

own environment and habit patterns. We saw that a snare is set by watching the habit patterns of

the intended victim. By observing where it feeds, where it goes to water, and where it goes for

rest, you learn the comfort zones of the beast you are attempting to capture. The snare is then set

to catch it in its own habit patterns by a device that is well camouflaged and appears to be a

harmless part of its comfortable environment. Let us consider the habit patterns of the modern

church as they are revealed in the auspicious message of Jesus to the church of the Laodiceans:

Revelation 3:15, I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert

cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue

thee out of my mouth.

Mediocrity, or living in the comfort zone, is the goal of most modern Christians. The desire to fit

in with the world, not make waves, and not appear to be a religious fanatic for the sake of

friendships or business, drives us more often than the desire to step out of our self-protective

shells and give ourselves to love, as Jesus Christ loved. Rather than laying up treasures in the

kingdom of heaven, we find ourselves preoccupied with our treasures on the earth.

3:17, Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of

nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and



We too readily accept the world’s measure of success. We are in control of our lives. We have a

manageable God, and our church social structure works well for our personal goals. We do not

view our personal prosperity in the same light that Jesus does, as filthy rags of temporal

distractions from the true wealth.

3:18, I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich.

Gold tried in a fire indicates the burning away of the things that are impure and have no eternal

value. Volunteering for the furnace of the refiner to be purified is stepping way out of the

comfort zone. Through the centuries, persecution has been the purifier of the Christian church

from without. During the upcoming tribulation, those who are practicing Christianity as a hobby

will find a new hobby. The Lord purifies us for his service with adversity.

3:19, As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Repentance is an individual thing, and so is rebuke and chastening by the Lord. People repent

and turn to God individually. Nations do not. I suggest that we attempt to reach as many

individuals as possible with the gospel of Christ Jesus the Messiah. I will not waste my time

trying to turn America back to God; but rather Americans back to God.

The Fiery Judgment of America

In 1776 Americans boldly declared to the world that, “We hold these truths to be self evident,

that all men are created equal (in) that they are endowed by their Creator with absolute,

inalienable rights.” America’s corridors of power have been taken over by atheist socialists who

are dedicated to the destruction of our constitution, our sovereignty, and all vestiges of

Christianity in our country. The fiery wrath of God is being stored up against those who have

perverted the ways of righteousness and have murdered the innocent. I refuse to idolize the

nation that we once had. America as we knew it, is gone.

America was founded as a Christian nation and was declared so by the Supreme Court in 1892.

Unfortunately, we are no longer a Christian society. Neither do the people of our land or our

government servants believe in what originally constituted us as a nation: “That all men are

created equal and endowed by their Creator...” We have allowed deceptive or uneducated

people to take the oath to protect and defend our constitution. They have no knowledge of, and

do not even believe that there is a Creator, let alone the “certain (absolute) inalienable (nontransferable,

God given) rights” that our Federal government was established to secure and

protect for us as a people. Our “new” government and the socialist controlled Department of Reeducation

has replaced the true history of America’s Christian past with multi-cultural babbling.

Those who wrestled control of the halls of power in our nation, have diligently worked to subvert

the knowledge of God as our Creator and originator of rights.


The government is now the supreme giver and taker of rights. Ask any school child attending

one of the public re-education centers. The official doctrine of the United States government is

atheism, there is no God. Where there is no God, there are no God given rights, only “civil”

rights granted by the mercies of the governing “guardians.”

Atheists live with astounding faith! They live with a hope that contradicts all that their senses

tell them about the physical universe. They hope that the incomprehensible intricacies of our

bodies, the marvels of mental reasoning, and the unknown property of life itself is the result of

millions of years of aberrant chance mutations in a purely mechanical universe. Against the laws

and verifiable facts of science, they hold to the scientifically untenable, mathematically

impossible, geologically insupportable, philosophically unlivable, theologically inconceivable,

and intellectually unsubstantiatable fairy tale of the evolutionary genesis of life. This is an act of

extreme faith. A faith that transcends any found in the Christian world. To protect its religion

from exposure to rational thinking, millions of people have, out of necessity, been executed by

atheist run governments. Evolution is the religion of those who refuse to open their eyes to

scientific facts and the cause of our one time existence in this universe--God Almighty.

Atheist/Socialists promoting the New World Order of international socialism are the “domestic

enemies” that conquered our government and are polluting the minds of our children through the

fallacious and deceptively presented theory of evolution. Educate yourself and your children

before the ability to think for ourselves is lost forever to the New World Order. There is no time

to let our children discover for themselves that “Santa Claus” does not really exist. Tell them

plainly that evolution, atheism, and socialism/communism is pure totalitarian slavery.

It should not be a surprise that socialism is the form of government of the new atheist regime that

now sits in Washington. An atheist cannot conceive of a limited constitutional republic based on

absolute, God given rights. That was the form of government that our Christian forefathers

designed for America. Our new government has removed any purpose and reason for life. They

have replaced meaning with the constant, mindless entertainment and dumbing down of America

through the mass media.

The voices of the prophets warn of the judgment of God that will come upon this nation for

having forsaken him, carving out our own religious systems in which the Spirit of the living God

cannot speak. It is over. Our only hope is in eternity with a just God, and in the coming of the

Lord Jesus Christ to pull us out of the coming carnage. Unfortunately, just as with Israel, when a

nation is judged even the faithful get cut down in the crossfire and shredded by the shrapnel.

There is no one who is “innocent” in this matter.

I heard a statement which was attributed to the wife of Billy Graham: “If God does not judge

America, he will need to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!” There will be no apologies. This

statement is in full agreement with the scriptures as well as the revelation visions of several

modern prophets of God. David Wilkerson saw the great cities in America burning in an

apocalyptic holocaust.

This vision, and the visions of Henry Gruver and Romanian Pastor Dimitru Duduman, is about to

be fulfilled. David Wilkerson detailed the coming judgments of God on America in his 1985

book, Set a Trumpet to thy Mouth. Dimitru Duduman warned of the impending desolation of


America in his book, Through The Fire Without Burning. The Lord led me to both of these

books after I had finished the second rough draft of this book. What the Lord revealed when he

opened the book of Revelation to me, he had already shown years before to these, and other

prophets of God. For me, however, I had to see it in the pages of the scripture before I would

listen to anyone else. At the times that the opposition had been the greatest, and my heart was

beaten up, the Lord put each of these books in front of my face to show me that he had shown me

the future of America, and that I am indeed responsible to sound the alarm. America is going to

be judged by the nuclear fist of Russia, soon. If you live through it, and are reading this book, get

ready; the worst is yet to come. (See appendix III. The Modern Day Prophets Speak).

The snare of the mystery of iniquity is completely intact and waiting for the button to be pushed.

Allow me to explain. Cataclysmic events around the corner will lead to the elimination of

national sovereignty all over the globe. The Destroyer will be revealed at the end of an extremely

devastating war, which has been long in preparation and is only months away from ignition. This

short war begins at the 6th seal. The silence in heaven that happens at the 7th seal, occurs when

Satan is cast out of heaven by Michael and his angels. The war in heaven and the war on earth at

the 6th seal are simultaneous. When the smoke clears, the man who sits at the helm of the New

World Order is the Destroyer himself, the Wicked one whose coming is after the working of

Satan. The details of the 6th seal nuclear destruction are seen in the first four trumpets. This war

will provide for the judgment of God on the nation that has forsaken him. Russia (Gog and

Magog), who has been in preparation for decades, will launch against the United States while

they are in the turmoil of martial law, as a result of the manufactured economic collapse of the

world bankers at the 3rd seal. Russia will crush the last vestiges of our Christian republic, and

make way for the totalitarian phase of the New World Order. This wound unto death to the head

of the beast system (Rev 13:3) will result in the 7th world empire of the United States, giving

way to the 8th and final incarnation of the beast New World Order (Rev 17:10-11).

The initial attack of short range tactical nuclear submarines will knock out the coastal ports of the

United States that have commercial and military significance. The totality of this coastal debris

will be “as a great mountain” which will pollute the waters of the seas and knock out a third of

the ports and a third of the ships. The retaliation for this act will result in the carnage that is

detailed in the first four trumpets. (The modern battle gear pictured in Revelation is detailed in

Appendix VI). Out of the smoke of this global thermonuclear war, will come the Destroyer. The

focal point of the 5th trumpet is not to describe destructive power of the rotary wing aircraft of

the New World Order, even though John was understandably awed by the spectacle. The focal

point is the introduction of their “king” or commander. This is the first Woe! The Woe begins

when Satan is taken out of his place in the heavens and cast down to the earth, having great wrath

because he knows that he has but a short time. This revealing of the Wicked one will commence

the worst tribulation and slaughter of human life that has ever, or will ever be. Except for the

fact that man’s days on this earth will be shortened by the intervention of Jesus Christ, no one

would remain alive.

This final phase of the Illuminist’s Luciferian World Order will seek to destroy the remnant of

Israel and the non-compromising Christians. These Christians will be hated and betrayed by

those who compromise to save their skin. The compromisers will be the haters and betrayers of

Matthew 24:10.


Those Christians who believe that Christ is legally obligated to come get them before there is any

tribulation on earth, will be in shock. They will not trust the word of any preacher; preachers

won’t trust themselves. People willing to do anything to survive and feed themselves and their

family, will capitulate to the New World Order, which will be ruled by the Destroyer. They will

worship and obey him as their messiah, the one who will promise peace to the earth, through

total obedience to him. He will expunge the irrational social deviants who wait for another

messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

To the unlearned, this coming war will appear as if Armageddon has taken place. The sixth seal

global thermal nuclear war and its devastating effects will plunge the world into an anarchist’s

nightmare. With millions vaporized and the planet in chaos, it will be reasonable for untrained

Christians to imagine that the resurrection has “already passed” and that they have been left

behind to endure the wrath of God. The sky is dark at noonday. Out of the ashes of the war

emerges “the prince that shall come” and the final phase of the New World Order.

The prince that sits on the throne will be none other than the son of destruction himself. He will

appear to establish peace on the earth, enlisting the help of the religious leaders of the world to

assist in building a new millennium of peace and good will toward men. To all but the elect of

God, it will appear that after “Armageddon,” the “messiah” has appeared to take his throne. All

of the world will worship him. This is when “the snare of the false Christ” will take its toll.

Those few Christians that are aware of the snare will be wise. By preparing ahead and walking

by the spirit, they will be able to do things that would make James Bond cringe in fear.

Daniel 11:32, ...the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. 33 And

they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the

sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. 34 Now when they shall fall,

they shall be helped with a little help...35 And some of them of understanding shall fall, to

try them, and to purge, and to make them white...

12:3, And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that

turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

Could This Be a Conspiracy?

You may well have said, “This sounds like some kind of conspiracy.” You are absolutely correct

in that statement. We clearly see from the pages of the Bible and from life itself, that it is bound

in the heart of man to agree with others, to do evil for their corporate gain. Organized crime has

existed since Satan rebelled and convinced other angels to do so. Conspiracies are commonly

seen throughout the Bible. We read in the second Psalm verses 2 and 3:

The Kings of the earth, and the rulers of the earth take counsel together against the Lord

and against his anointed, saying: “Let us break their constraints in pieces, and cast their

restraints from us.”

This is the specific conspiracy of which we are speaking. Reading the remainder of the second

Psalm, we see that the Messiah himself will take revenge on these world conspirators by dashing


them to pieces like a potters vessel. Do I feel compelled to pray for these conspirators? Yes, that

this destruction will be swift and their plans to destroy us will be thwarted by the angels. When

evil men act alone, they have little power. If there is no premeditation to do evil, there is very

little chance of success by the wicked. It would have been very difficult for Hitler to murder tens

of millions, had he not taken counsel together with others who were atheist evolutionists. It

would have been very difficult to hide the cocaine smuggling operation in Mena, Arkansas,

unless crooked politicians were able to conspire with other evil men to have eyewitnesses

executed. The nature of Satan is to bribe those who would conspire with him to do evil. Since

he is the overseer of the plan to subdue the world in a totalitarian New World Order, it is

axiomatic that the plan will continue to move ahead as he planned from the beginning. His coconspirators

follow his plans for the payoff that they will receive from him. There is no

disputing the fact. If Satan exists, conspiracy on a world wide scale exists. It is inevitable.

Conspiracy? Absolutely!

Moving Targets

There is only one way to claim the promises of being the target of persecution. You must open

your mouth! Not in obnoxious defiance, but in love. You must take a stand on one side or the

other. There is no halfway, mediocre, fence sitting position that Jesus has ordained in the

Church. He did not come to make life peaceful. Jesus came to make a difference, to set at

variance, to bring a sword, and to separate the true heart from the facade.

It is disappointing to realize how deeply the false doctrine of the secret rapture has invaded the

majority of Christian churches. I hope you will risk yourself, for the sake of your brothers and

sisters in Christ, to expose them to the truth of God's Word concerning the mystery of iniquity

and the timing and nature of Christ's return. There will be great resistance and denial by your

dearest friends. You will find very few people who enjoy being awakened, but many that are

thankful after you wake them. You may get a harsh dose of hatred and betrayal, but you are in

good company. “They that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars for ever and ever.”

Matthew 10:22, And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that

endureth to the end shall be saved...32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men,

him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33 But whosoever shall deny

me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. 34 Think not

that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am

come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and

the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his

own household.


37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth

son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and

followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that

loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

Τηρησω Εκ

(Tereso Ek)

There is one scripture that has been isolated to support both the pre-tribulation and secret midtribulation

rapture. It is found in the third chapter of Revelation. When I mention the secret mid

tribulation rapture, I am addressing the teaching of those who understand that the prerequisite for

the gathering together is the revealing of the Wicked one, but still attempt to get us out of here

before the revealing of the Destroyer at the 5th trumpet, in the aftermath of the 6th seal nuclear

war. For this to be plausible, they generally insist that the abomination of desolation happens

between the 3rd and 5th seals, and the rapture occurs between the 4th and 5th seals. The rapture

would also take place at a secret time between verses in the early part of Matthew 24. In other

words, they are a “secret” within the time chronology. In this way the pre-tribulation rapture is

also secret. It is not found in Matthew 24, since this is addressed to Israel only, and must only

refer to the Battle of Armageddon. The Rapture is not found in the book of Revelation at all for

some dispensationalists who insist that the book is not to be read, as it is addressed to some poor

souls in the future who will have to go through what we have been raptured away from. Others

say the rapture is “alluded to” when John is taken to the throne room of God to get the revelation

about that which is to happen in the future.

In refutation to the above concepts that leave the book of Revelation in a raveled up mess, the

abomination of desolation is the most time documented prophetic fact concerning the last days.

The Destroyer is revealed when Satan is cast down to the earth 3½ years before Armageddon. It

is Woe to the earth when he is cast out, which corresponds to the first woe on earth at the 5th

trumpet. That is when the Destroyer himself is revealed as the commander in chief of the New

World Order. We have seen that the first resurrection, when Christ returns for his saints and the

dead are raised and rewarded, occurs at the last trump in the book of Revelation and I

Corinthians. All other interpretations of the events of the book of Revelation have to be

reworked to fit those two major, irrefutable occurrences. I know from months of experience that

it is a lot of work. It is also not a real pretty picture until the end, but it is the truth.

Now, let us look at the primary verse that both the pre and mid-tribulation rapturists use to

support their claim to a secret rapture before the last trumpet.

Revelation 3:7, And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith

he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no

man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth. 8a I know thy works: behold, I have set

before thee an open door, and no man can shut it…


In each message to an individual church, there is a reference to the things John saw in his vision

of Jesus Christ. Each one has special significance. This message is referencing the keys of death

and hell (the grave) over which Jesus alone has power.

Revelation 1:18, I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore,

Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

Jesus was alive, was dead, and is now alive forevermore. God raised his Son from the dead and

gave him all authority in heaven and earth. Jesus has the keys to unlock death and the grave.

What he locks, stays shut, and when he opens the grave all the power of Satan cannot stop him.

As he was victorious over death, so he will make us victorious in him. David is now dead. He is

in the grave. Jesus holds the key that will unlock his grave, and David his servant will come

forth with a new body. David will reign with Christ in the Millennium. Before us is the same

open door. We will escape the grave through the resurrection power and authority of Jesus


Revelation 3:8b,…Thou hast a little strength, and hast kept <τηρησω> my word, and hast

not denied my name. 10 Because thou hast kept <τηρησω> the word of my endurance, I

also will keep <τηρησω> thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all

the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

The word kept is τηρησω, (tereso) which translates:

1. To watch carefully, as in guarding.

2. To observe and do as ordinances.

The condition is set: Because you have kept (watched carefully and observed) my word, I, the

Lord Jesus Christ will keep (watch over and guard) you from the hour of temptation, which shall

come upon all the world...

Because they had carefully guarded, observed, and lived according to the commandments of

God's enduring Word, Jesus Christ will keep them out of temptation, not take them out of the

world. Those who live godly in Christ Jesus, will not endure the same temptations and bitter

disappointments as those who have lived for the temporary pleasures of this world. The fleeting

promises of peace and prosperity will only be dashed to pieces on the altars of idolatry, and

turned to ashes as they are offered to the god of self. But because these have faithfully kept

themselves from sin, they are not drawn away of their own lusts and enticed. They are kept by

the hand of God.

I John 5:18, We know that whosoever is begotten of God does not practice sin; but he

that is begotten, God keeps <τηρησω> him; and that wicked one does not touch him.



John confirms the principle that if Christians meet the conditions through their own selfdiscipline,

God will guard and keep them out of temptation during a time when all of the world

will be tried in the fire of adversity. Jesus will not take them out of the world, but will keep

them out of temptation. Look again at Revelation 3:10:

10...I also will keep <τηρησω> thee from <εκ> the hour of temptation, which shall come

upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

The word εκ (ek) is a preposition which means out from and is described as a line drawn out

from the center of a circle. This preposition has been used to give credence to the notion that we

are to be taken out from this world before the tribulation that is pictured in this book takes place.

However, we have seen in all other scriptures that we will be taken out before the 7 bowls of the

wrath of God are poured out. This word εκ does not indicate that we will be taken out of this

world, but that we will be guarded and kept out of evil and temptation. Jesus again repeats this

desire in his prayer. John was again the penman for the Lord Jesus as he wrote:

John 17:14, I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are

not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take

them out of <εκ> the world, but that thou shouldest keep <τηρησω> them from <εκ>

the evil one.

It is clear that Jesus had no intention of taking us out of the world, but that we would be guarded

from the evil one of the world, while still living in the world.

16 They are not of <εκ> the world, even as I am not of <εκ> the world. 17 Sanctify them

through thy truth: thy word is truth. 18 As thou hast sent me into <εισ> the world, even so

have I also sent them into <εισ> the world. 20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for

them also which shall believe on me through their word;

Jesus prays that we will be kept <τηρησω>, holy and separated from the world and its evil, by

the enduring word of truth. When we keep <τηρησω> the Word, and keep <τηρησω>

ourselves out of <εκ> sin, we are actively kept <τηρησω> by the power of God through Jesus

Christ. This prayer and promise is not to his twelve alone, but to all of us that believe until he

returns from heaven at the last trump.

Only by disregarding the rest of the scriptures written by the same prophet on the same subject,

can we manufacture an “out of this world, early secret rapture.” This is an excellent example of a

time worn method of Bible “interpretation.” If a numbered sentence cannot be isolated to prove

one’s theology, isolating a few words will work just as well. Either way is twisting the

scriptures. Interestingly enough, “twisting” and “wickedness” are from the same root word. Let

us look at what Paul tells us about εκ and its relationship to temptation.




I Corinthians 10:13, There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man:

but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will

with the temptation also make a way to escape <εκβανω>, that ye may be able to


Εκβανω is the Greek εκ (ek), out from, and βανω (bano), to take in the hand. Amidst the

tribulations in life we have the promise that God will always make ekbano. God will take us in

his hand to keep us out of temptation, not take us out of the world. There is no precedent

for God to take his people out of this world to avoid the spiritual and physical warfare that the

mystery of iniquity wages against God and man. There is, however, a day coming in which the

age of the goodness and longsuffering of God is going to come to a halt at the edge of the sword

that divides the soul from the spirit and discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart. The

inanity will end. Just as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, God will send his angels to gather

the just to safety, and the fire of God will rain down on those who have rejected his son (Luke


Christians through the ages have been tortured to death for the witness of their Lord. Some have

sung while flames roasted their body. Others had their skin peeled from their flesh, with no

evidence of discomfort. Others have cried in agony for death, but refused to recant and deny

their Lord for the promise of no more pain. Others yet fell asleep, dying for no apparent reason

to the dismay of their would be torturers. The temptation, regardless of its intensity, comes with

the promise that he will always make ekbano, a way out, by being taken into the palm of his

hand, that we will be able to endure whatever man or Satan throws at us. Jesus is your Lord. He

will keep you in his hand. No one and no thing can separate you from his love for you, or his

promise to be with you and keep you in the hour of temptation.

Revelation 3:11, Behold, I come quickly: hold fast that which thou hast, that no man

take thy crown. 12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and

he shall go no more out.

If you have been teaching the secret rapture, I implore you in the name of Jesus Christ, stop. No

matter how much theology you have invested, there will be deep remorse before his throne if you

continue to set the snares for others. I was given the space to repent. It is now your decision.

Unless ministers dedicate themselves to the truth, the blood of their congregation will be upon

their heads.

I know how difficult it is to change. Teaching the secret pre-tribulation rapture of the church was

an integral part of my ministry for years. It was cherished as my “Holy Grail.” I was weaned on

it. I was sincere, but I was still accomplice to the mystery of iniquity. The same is true for

anyone who teaches that the rapture of the church is at any time other than when Jesus told his

prophets Paul and John: At the last trump. To teach any other peace and safety gospel leaves

your brothers and sisters unprepared emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually for a time

that Jesus warned would be darker than any other time in the history of man.


The coming tribulation will bring mankind to the brink of destruction. As he promised, those

days will be shortened for the elects’ sake, but not avoided. But God will ekbano. He will

always make a way out. He will take us into the palm of his hand and we will be able to endure

to the very end. We keep his Word and he will keep us, in every situation. We, like our father

Abraham, look for a new city and a better resurrection.


Chapter Seven


In closing, I apologize to my readers for two things. First, I cannot paint the future of the world

dark enough, nor can I impress upon you how fast it will come upon us and how desperate these

days will be. I am unable to paint the sky black enough, but neither can I paint the glory of our

walk with the Lord, as beacons of light in a dying generation, bright enough. I cannot give you

an adequate glimpse of the treasures and glory that we will inherit. I cannot show you either end

of the spectrum within the pages of this book. (The seminar, From Here . . . To Eternity

provides a more complete picture). Ask the Lord to show you these things personally. Diligently

ask and apply your heart to know and do his will each day.

Jesus leaves us with this promise at the close of his revelation to us: He is coming again, and


Revelation 22:12, Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to

give every man according as his work shall be. 13.I am Alpha and Omega,

the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14.Blessed are they that do

his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may

enter in through the gates into the city of New Jerusalem...20 He which

testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen.

Repent, the kingdom of heaven is at hand.




Appendix I

The Chronological Outline of the Book of Revelation

Introduction 1:1-3

John’s authority :1-2

John’s promise :3

Greeting 1:4-6

John :4

Jesus :5-6

The promise of John :7

The authority from Jesus :8

Background :9-10

Appearance of Christ :10-20

Instructions to John :19

The Letters to the Seven Churches 2:1 - 3:22

Ephesus 2:1-7

The Authority :1

The Praise :3-6

The Grievance :4

The Warning :5

The Promise :7

Smyrna 2:8-11

The Authority :8

The Praise :9

The Grievance :9

The Warning :10

The Promise :11


Pergamos 2:12-17

The Authority :12

The Praise :13

The Grievance :14-15

The Warning :16

The Promise :17

Thyatira 2:18-29

The Authority :18

The Praise :19

The Grievance :20-21

The Warning :22-23

The Authority :23

The Promise :24-29

Sardis 3:1-6

The Authority :1

(No Praise)

The Grievance :1

The Warning :2

Few Praised :4

The Promise :4-6

Philadelphia 3:7-12

The Authority :7

The Praise :8

(No Grievance)

The Counsel :11

The Promise :9-12

Laodicea 3:14-22

The Authority :14

The Grievance :15

The Warning :16-17

The Counsel :18

The Promise :19-22

The Revelation: as seen from heaven 4:1 - 22:6

The Throne Room of God 4:2 - 5:14

The Glory of God’s Throne 4:2-11

The Title Deed Impossibly Sealed 5:1-4

The Lamb of God Prevails :5-14


The Seven Seals Stripped from the Deed 6:1 - 8:5

Seal #1 6:1-2

Seal #2 :3-4

Seal #3 :5-6

Seal #4 :7-8

Seal #5 :9-11

Seal #6 :12-17

(Parenthesis 7:1-17)

(144,000 sealed 7:1-8)

(Innumerable Multitude :9-17)

Seal #7 8:1-15

The Seven Trumpets 8:7 - 11:18

Trumpet #1 :7

Trumpet #2 :8-9

Trumpet #3 :10-11

Trumpet #4 :12

WOE to the Earth Announced 8:13

Trumpet #5 9:1-12

The Destroyer Revealed :11

First Woe Executed :12

Trumpet #6 9:13-21

200 Million Man Army :15

The Battle Horses :17

The Seven Thunders 10:1-10

The Last Trumpet Declared :5-7

Seven Thunders Explained :8-10

(Parenthesis 10:11 - 11:14)

(Temple Measured 10:11 - 12:2)

(The Two Witnesses 11:3-13)

Second Woe Executed 11:14

The Seventh Trumpet Sounds 11:15-18

The Shout of Victory :15-17

First Resurrection, Saints Rewarded :18

The Wrath is Now Come :18

Third Woe is Now Executed :14


The Temple in Heaven is Now Opened 11:19 (15:5)

(Parenthesis 12: - 15:4)

(Israel’s Promised Seed 12:1-2

Satan’s Original Rebellion :3-4

Messiah’s Triumph :5)

(Last 3_ years of the Age 12:6

War in Heaven :7-8

Satan Cast Down :9-10

WOE to the Earth 12:12

Invasion of Israel :13-17

Persecution of the Church :17)

(The Beast Government 13:1-4

The Big Mouth’s Rebellious Stand :5-7

The Promise to Christian Believers :8-10

The Deceiving “Lamb” :11-15

The Mark of the Beast :16-18)

(The 144,000: The Firstfruits Before the Throne 14:1-5)

(Babylon’s Judgment Declared 14:6-13

Final Judgment Proclaimed :8

Vengeance Proclaimed :9-11

Justice Proclaimed :12-13)

(The Day of the Lord 14:14-20

The Harvest :14-16

The Wrath :17-20)

(The Wrath Prepared 15:1

The Sea of Fire and Glass “Judgment” :2

Followers of Moses and Christ Harmonize :3-4)

The Temple in Heaven is Now Opened 15:5 (11:19)

The Seven Bowls of Smoking Wrath are Carried from the Throne :6-7

The Declaration: No One Enters until the Wrath is Poured Out :8


The Wrath Poured Out 16:1-17

Bowl #1 :2

Bowl #2 :3

Bowl #3 :4

Bowl #4 :8

Bowl #5 :10

Bowl #6 :12

(Satan and His Minions Prepare for Armageddon 16:13-16)

Bowl #7 :17-21

It Is Finished 16:17

(Parenthesis 17:1 - 18:24)

(Judgment of the Whore is Announced 17:1-17

Description of the Whore :1-6,18

` Description of the Beast :7-17)

(The Whore is Judged 18:1-24

Judgment is Proclaimed :1-3

Warning to Evacuate :4-6

Method of Judgment :7-24)

Praise for the Lord’s Judgment 19:1-4

Praise the Lord: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is Now Come 19:5-8

The Angel Honors Attendees :9

John is Humbled by the Spectacle :10

Jesus et al Dress for His Return at the Battle of Armageddon 19:11-16

Feast of Leviathan is Proclaimed :17-18

The Battle Begins :19

The Battle Ends :20

The Birds Eat the Feast :21

Satan Bound 1000 Years 20:1-3

The Martyrs Reign with Christ 1000 Years :4-6

Satan Released 20:7

Satan’s Final Rebellious Stand :8

Satan Defeated and Judged by Christ :9-10


The White Throne Judgment 20:11-15

The Earth and Heaven Consumed :11

The Judgment Set :12-13

Final Judgment :14-15

The New Heaven and Earth 21:1- 22:5

New Jerusalem :2

God and Christ Tabernacle with Men :3

The Benefits :4-7

The Exclusions :8

The Home of the Bride Described 21:9 - 22:5

Closing 22:6-21

By the Angel :6-11

By Jesus :12-19

The Spirit’s Work :16

The Bride’s Duty :16

By John :20-21


Appendix II

A Letter to the Thessalonians

The Second Letter of Paul the Apostle, to the Thessalonians

From: Paul, Silas, and Timothy,

To: The church of the Thessalonians in God our Father

and the Lord Jesus Christ:

2Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

3We are constrained to always thank God for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your

faith grows greatly, and the love of every one of you abounds toward each other. 4We

glory in you (among the churches of God) for your endurance and faith in all the

persecutions and tribulations that you are enduring. 5Your endurance and faith being a

manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that you may continue to be considered

worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are now suffering. 6Seeing it is a righteous

act for God to recompense tribulation to those that tribulate you; 7And you who are now

tribulated with us, will suddenly be relieved of the strain and pain when the Lord

Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, 8In flaming fire taking

vengeance on them that do not know God, and on those that do not obey the gospel

of our Lord Jesus Christ, 9(who shall in the end, be punished with everlasting

destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.) 10 When he

shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in those that believe, IN

THAT DAY (because our testimony among you was believed). 11Therefore we always

pray for you, that our God would consider you worthy of this calling, (by your endurance

unto the end)and fulfill in you, the pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with

power: 12That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and you in him,

according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

2:1Now we implore you brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

and our gathering together unto him; 2Do not be shaken up or troubled, (not by a

spirit, nor by dissertation, nor by a letter as if it were from us), thinking that the day of

the Lord is imminent. 3Let no man deceive you by any means; Because that day

shall not come, except first there come the rebellious stand, and the man of sin is

revealed, the son of destruction 4who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called

by God, or is venerated; so that he, as God, sits in the temple of God, proclaiming that he

is God. 5(Remember, when I was with you, I told you these things?) 6Now you already

know what holds fast <to his position in heaven as the accuser> that he <the son of

destruction> might be revealed in his own time, 7because the mystery of iniquity <the


accusers exercised authority before the throne of God, and clandestine attacks on the

brethren below> is already at work. But, he now holds fast <to the authority and

dominion delivered to him> only until he is taken out of the midst <of the throne room,

by Michael and his angels>. 8Then shall the Wicked one be revealed, (whom the Lord

shall, at Armageddon, consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the

brightness of his coming, ) 9He whose coming is after the working of Satan; With all

power and signs and lying wonders, 10with full ability to deceive utilizing the

unrighteousness that is in them that perish; because they did not receive the love of the

truth, that they might be saved. 11For this reason, God shall let them go to a working

error, so that they will believe the lie: 12That they might all be damned who do not

believe the truth, but had pleasure living in unrighteousness.

13But we are constrained to always give thanks to God for you, brethren, beloved of the

Lord. Because God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through

sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth; 14Whereunto he called you (by our

gospel), to obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15Therefore brethren, stand fast,

and hold fast the traditions which you have been taught by us, whether by dissertation, or

epistle. 16Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us, and

gave us everlasting consolation and a good hope through grace, 17comfort your hearts, and

establish you in every good word and work. (MIV)

The Church in Tribulation

The context of the first and second chapters of II Thessalonians gives us a picture of a persecuted

but courageous Christian church. They are being encouraged to endure and told that they will be

relieved of the strain of persecution when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his angels,

taking fiery vengeance on those who have been tribulating them with torture and death. That

day when they will be relieved of the strain and pain of tribulation is the Day of the Lord.

Paul instructs them not to be shaken up by anyone who indicates that the day of the Lord

gathering his church, and taking vengeance on the world, is imminent. Paul sets the absolute

prerequisite for that day as the rebellious stand of Satan, when he is cast down to the earth. The

result of this rebellious stand is that the man of sin is then revealed (apokalupto, suddenly

uncovered), the son of destruction who exalts himself as God. This will happen prior to the

gathering together.


No Christian is to be deceived by anyone who teaches that the Lord could return at any moment,

even though they mean well. Also, no Christian should be deceived into thinking that the Day of

the Lord does not refer to the day that the Lord gathers together the elect, both living and asleep,

and takes them to the reward of their inheritance. They are one in the same.

We can now see that over the last 1,900 years the Lord’s return was never imminent. He could

not have returned 100 years ago. The revealing of the Destroyer, spoken of by Daniel, Jesus,

John, and Paul, must occur first. Paul then reminds them that what he is saying refers back to

what he taught them while he was in Thessalonica. They were aware of the mystery of iniquity

that was already at work. Satan has been holding fast to his position in heaven, until the future

war with Michael and his angels results in his being cast down to the earth. When that takes

place, the Wicked one will be revealed, whose coming is energized by the power of Satan. That

man of sin will be destroyed by Jesus Christ when he returns to establish his kingdom, at the

Battle of Armageddon. Those who love this world more than they love the truth will be allowed

to go to a working error of the mystery of iniquity. They will believe the lie of which Paul again

tells them not to be deceived. The deception concerns the timing of the gathering together of

the church in relation to the abomination of desolation, when the man of sin, the son of

destruction is revealed.

The more excited the church becomes in its expectation of the imminent return of Christ, the

greater will be the shock and disappointment when the pleasantries of life are reduced to daily

survival. Jesus Christ clearly stated that the abomination of desolation would commence the

Great Tribulation and that he would return after that takes place. This clarification came in

response to John, Peter, and his other disciplined followers’ questions about when he would

return to gather them and take them to where Jesus said he was going to prepare a place for them.

There is absolutely no context for “that which is now holding fast” to be considered as anything

other than Satan holding fast to his position before the throne of God, as the accuser. This

section of scripture is telling the Church that the prerequisites for Jesus Christ returning to end

the pain of tribulation are the events laid out in the book of Revelation, when Satan is cast out of

heaven and the man of sin is revealed. He will not return before then. He cannot. Legally

documented prerequisites exist and God cannot break his Word. Praying contrary to his Word

will not change anything. Satan must be expelled from heaven and his dominion terminated

there before the victory in heaven is complete. Jesus cannot gather us to the sea of fire and glass

outside the throne room of our heavenly Father until the mystery of iniquity is conquered and

taken out of the midst. Satan’s authority must be stripped from him, legally and permanently.

No one goes up, before Satan is cast down. Period!

At the outcome of this war in heaven, Satan is cast down from heaven against his will. His

rebellious stand before the throne of God is abruptly terminated. He is taken out of the midst of

the throne room and cast down to the earth, where he then takes his rebellious stand on earth.

That stand is manifested in the revealing of the son of destruction, a man who is fully

complemented with all the power of Satan, replete with lying signs and wonders. This is Woe to

the earth. Satan’s expulsion is the direct cause of the Wicked one being revealed, whose

coming is after the working of Satan.


Attachment One


The Acts of Satan in bold underline

The Day of the Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together.

Its timely relationship to the rebellious stand and revealing of the Wicked one.

II Thessalonians 1:4-10; 2:1-12 (MIV sans parenthesis)

To the Church in tribulation:

We glory in you for your endurance and faith in all the persecutions and tribulations that you are

enduring. Your endurance being a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that you

may continue to be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are now suffering.

Seeing it is a righteous act for God to recompense tribulation to those that tribulate you; And you

who are now tribulated with us, the strain and pain of tribulation will be relieved when the Lord

Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on

them that know not God, and on those that do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in those that believe in that


Now we implore you brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering

together unto him; Do not be shaken up or troubled, thinking that the day of the Lord is

imminent. Let no man deceive you by any means; Because that day shall not come, except first

there come the rebellious stand, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of destruction who

opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or is venerated; so that he, as God, sits in

the temple of God, proclaiming that he is God. Now you already know what holds fast that he

might be revealed in his own time, because the mystery of iniquity is already at work. But he

now holds fast only until he is taken out of the midst. Then shall the Wicked one be revealed,

whose coming is after the working of Satan; With all power and signs and lying wonders,

having full ability to deceive utilizing the unrighteousness that is in them that perish; because

they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. For this reason, God shall let

them go to a working error, so that they will believe the lie: that they might all be judged who do

not believe the truth, but had pleasure living in unrighteousness.


Attachment Two


The Acts of the Destroyer in bold underline

The Day of the Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together.

Its timely relationship to the rebellious stand and revealing of the Wicked one.

II Thessalonians 1:4-10; 2:1-12 (MIV sans parenthesis)

To the Church in tribulation:

We glory in you for your endurance and faith in all the persecutions and tribulations that you are

enduring. Your endurance being a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that you

may continue to be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are now suffering.

Seeing it is a righteous act for God to recompense tribulation to those that tribulate you; And you

who are now tribulated with us, the strain and pain of tribulation will be relieved when the Lord

Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on

them that know not God, and on those that do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in those that believe in that


Now we implore you brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our

gathering together unto him; Do not be shaken up or troubled, thinking that the day of the

Lord is imminent. Let no man deceive you by any means; Because that day shall not come,

except first there come the rebellious stand, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of

destruction who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or is venerated; so

that he, as God, sits in the temple of God, proclaiming that he is God. Now you already

know what holds fast that he might be revealed in his own time, because the mystery of

iniquity is already at work. But he now holds fast only until he is taken out of the midst. Then

shall the Wicked one be revealed, whose coming is after the working of Satan; With all

power and signs and lying wonders, with full ability to deceive utilizing the unrighteousness

that is in them that perish; because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be

saved. For this reason, God shall let them go to a working error, so that they will believe the lie:

that they might all be judged who do not believe the truth, but had pleasure living in



Appendix III

The Modern Day Prophets Speak

I Thessalonians 5:20,

Despise not prophesyings.

We listen and we judge the voice of the prophets. Their words must be in alignment with God’s

revealed Word. The message that they bring forth from the Lord must come to pass, or they are

not to be respected.

The Word that I have been given is a very heavy revelation. A global thermonuclear war is going

to transpire at the culmination of the war in heaven, in which Satan is cast out into the earth. The

United States is going to be the focus of the assault, with Russia launching against us in a

surprise attack. (This war is detailed in Appendix VI, Modern Warfare Technology in

Revelation). America will be destroyed, 1st economically, then a few months later, militarily.

This will be God’s judgment against the Christian nation who declared to the world: “We hold

these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal (in) that they are endowed by their

Creator will absolute inalienable rights.” America has enjoyed God’s protection and blessing,

but has turned away from him and now declares to their offspring and the world: “There is no

God.” America is spitting in the face of Almighty God. God is going to judge America. There

is no way out.

First, the Lord confirmed his revelation to me by those who refused to listen to the message.

That was a two edged sword. They spoke verbatim the words that confirmed that the revelation

was from God, and that I was called to deliver this new light. But their refusal to hear the

message told me clearly that I must learn to live with outright rejection from my closest friends

and family. I sequestered myself while writing this book so as not to be influenced by the

disapproval of those I respect. Just before the manuscript was completed, the message was again

confirmed to me through the voices of the three prophets represented in the following

attachments. You will see that the revelation confirms what each was given by the Lord. This is

not a message of peace, safety, and prosperity for America. This is a message of condemnation

and repentance. Prepare for the last harvest. Judgment is at hand.

I have quoted and paraphrased their messages and have included information on how to contact

these ministries to be apprised of their full messages and subsequent revelations. David

Wilkerson needs no introduction to the Christian community in America. Dumitru Duduman

was a Romanian pastor who, as a military officer, was a conduit for Bible smugglers into Russia.

He was protected by an angel on many occasions. He was caught and nearly beaten to death. He

awoke in a hospital where an angel told him that he would be sent to America. Shortly after his

arrival, he was given the message that is recorded in the 2nd attachment. Henry Gruver was

given the burden of walking through countries and praying for them. After years of faithfully

walking with his Lord, he was given a vision to warn America


Attachment 1

Set the Trumpet to thy Mouth, David Wilkerson, 1985

America is going to be destroyed by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape.

Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America - and this nation will

be no more.

God is going to judge America for its violence, its crimes, its backsliding, its murdering of

millions of babies, its flaunting of homosexuality and sadomasochism, its corruption, its

drunkenness and drug abuse, its form of godliness without power, its lukewarmness toward

Christ, its rampant divorce and adultery, its lewd pornography, its child molestations, its

cheatings, its robbings, its dirty movies, and its occult practices.

In one hour it will all be over. It’s all over! Judgment is at the door! Our days are numbered!

The church is asleep, the congregations are at ease, and the shepherds slumber. How they

will scoff and laugh at this message. Theologians will reject it because they can’t fit it into their

doctrine. The pillow prophets of peace and prosperity will publicly denounce it.

I no longer care. God has made my face like flint and put steel in my backbone. I am blowing

the trumpet with all my might. Let the whole world and all the church call me crazy, but I must

blow the trumpet and awaken God’s people. America is about to be shaken and set aside by

horrible judgments. Many other praying believers who have been shut in with God are hearing

the very same message - “Judgment is at the door! Prepare, awaken!”

Before the great holocaust there will be smaller holocausts - the oil fields of the Middle East

will be ablaze, and the smoke will rise night and day as a warning of the greater holocaust yet to

come. There will be bombs falling on oil fields, on shipping docks, and storage tanks. There

will be panic among all oil producers, and shippers, and upon all nations dependent on that oil.

(Note the 1985 publication date, several years before the Gulf War).

Soon, very soon, an economic nightmare will explode into reality. America is about to face a

time of mass hysteria, as banks close and financial institutions crumble and our economy spins

totally out of control. Gold and silver will lose their value. The chaos that is coming cannot be

stopped by our government. The great holocaust follows an economic collapse in America.

The enemy will make its move when we are weak and helpless.

God did not keep the three Hebrew children from the fire - he delivered them in it. Christ went

with them through the fire, and, whereas they came back to ruin, we will be translated to Glory.

David Wilkerson World Challenge P.O. Box 260 Lindale, TX 75771


Attachment 2

Through the Fire Without Burning, Dumitru Duduman, 1984

Suddenly a bright light came toward me. As the light approached, it surrounded me. From the

light I heard the same voice that I had heard so many times in prison.

He said, “ I brought you to this country because this country will burn.” He showed me

California, Las Vegas, New York, and Florida. He said, “These are Sodom and Gomorrah! In

one day they will burn. I want to save the Church, but the churches have forsaken me.”

The people praise themselves. The honor that the people are supposed to give Jesus Christ,

they take upon themselves. In the churches there are divorces. There is adultery in the churches.

There are homosexuals in the churches. There is abortion in the churches; and all other sins that

are possible. Because of the sin, I have left some of the churches. You must yell in a loud voice

that they must put an end to their sinning. They must turn to the Lord.”

I said, “How will America burn? America is the most powerful nation in the world!”

He said, “The Russian spies have discovered where the nuclear warehouses are in America.

When the Americans think that there is peace and safety - from the middle of the country,

some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy

with internal problems. Then from the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, and Mexico they will

bomb the nuclear warehouses. When they explode, America will burn!

I asked, “How will you save the ones in the church that turn toward you?”

He said, “Tell them this: How I saved the three young ones in the furnace of fire, and how I

saved Daniel in the lion’s den, is the same way I will save them.”

Dumitru Duduman

Hand of Help, Inc.

P.O. Box 3494

Fullerton, CA 92634

(714) 447-1313


Attachment 3

A Vision of Henry Gruver, December 14, 1985

I was up above the Earth looking down upon the earth like a globe. I saw a massive amount of

ships and airplanes. They were coming from up above Norway, out of the inlet of the

North Sea. They headed down between the United States and Europe. They literally

covered the whole Atlantic. I looked over on the globe, at the United States. Then I began to see

all of these submarines emerging from under the surface. They were in our territorial waters!

Then I saw the missiles come out of them. They hit the eastern coastal cities of the United

States. I looked over across the country where my family was in the northwest and I saw the

submarines. I saw the missiles coming out and hitting the western coastal cities.

I cried out, “Oh God! Oh God! When will this be, and what will be the sign of its coming?”

I heard an audible voice speak to me and say, “When Russia opens her doors and lets the

masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and feeding and

caring for the masses, and will let down their weapons and cry peace and safety, then sudden

destruction will come. Then is when it will come.”


(Revelation, 1:8) The first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet used by the early belivers in Yahshua to signify the expression of Yahweh's absolute perfection, "I Am the first and the last"


For The Oil Of The Spirit
Revelation 7:2-8

The Messianic star, an image usede as an emblem of the messianic christian movement . It consists of a fish emblem ( Vesica Pisces ) intertwined with a star of david symbolizing the harmony of jewish and christian beliefs .

"How then was our Saviour manifested to the world? A star shone in heaven beyond all the other stars, and its light was inexpressible, and its novelty struck terror into men's minds. All the rest of the stars, together with the sun and moon, were the chorus to this star; but that sent out its light exceedingly above them all. And men began to be troubled to think whence this new star came, so unlike to all the others'' .  

“I see him, but not now;
I behold him, but not near;
A star shall come forth out of Jacob,
A scepter shall arise from Israel.
He shall smite the squadrons of Moab,
and beat down the sons of strife.”  Numbers 24: 17

And asked, Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him. Matt 2:2



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